Working with Preschool Children: e-Toolkit on Early Childhood
This e-Toolkit has been developed as a result of two years working with preschool children in the Gaza Strip. It is meant to capture and disseminate the experience and lessons learnt by Terre des hommes Italia (Tdh-It) and the Palestinian Medical Relief Society (PMRS) in implementing activities in favour of young children, their parents and their caregivers (kindergarten directors and teachers). Directed at professionals who would like to explore how principles of Early Child Development (ECD) – especially those focussing on preschool children – can be turned into projects and activities, this publication provides a series of working tools that can be used to address some of the recurring issues when dealing with preschoolers. Although the tools presented are context- and culture-specific, we believe that they could easily be adjusted to different circumstances or refined for different cultures. The e-Toolkit is composed of four booklets: Booklet 0 - Introduction to Working with Early Childhood Booklet 1 - Monitoring Development in Preschool Children Booklet 2 - Empowering Caregivers: Professionals with Direct Responsibility for Groups of Preschool Children (Kindergarten Teachers, Preschool Children’s Educators, Animators) Booklet 3 - Empowering Caregivers: Raising Awareness in Mothers and Fathers