الموارد IASC Common Monitoring and Evaluation Framework for Mental and Psychosocial Support Programmes in Emergency Settings This document provides guidance on the assessment, research, design, implementation and monitoring and evaluation of MHPSS programmes in emergency settings. Although designed specifically for emergency contexts (including protracted crises), the framework may also be applicable for the transition phases from emergency to development (including disaster risk reduction initiatives).
الموارد Navigating global guidance: The accessibility and use of child protection and education in emergencies guidance The findings presented here are intended to support organizations commissioning new content, adapting existing content, or considering disseminating content, to ensure it is as accessible and useful as possible to practitioners in emergency contexts.
الموارد Celebrating the INEE MS with the launch of two new INEE tools This webinar was convened to mark the launch of two new tools developed by the INEE Standards and Practice Working Group: the Education in Emergencies Competency Framework and the INEE Minimum Standards Indicator Framework.
مدونة COVID-19 and the INEE Minimum Standards How to use the INEE Minimum Standards during COVID-19. We are committed to using our tools and collective wisdom, gained over the past few decades, to respond together to this global emergency.
مدونة COVID-19 e Requisitos Mínimos para a Educação Como usar os Requisitos Mínimos para a Educação da INEE durante a pandemia da COVID-19. Comprometemo-nos a usar as nossas ferramentas e sabedoria, co-construídas ao longo das últimas décadas, para responder a esta emergência à escala global.
الموارد المذكرة الفنية للشبكة المشتركة لوكالات التعليم في حالات الطوارئ بخصوص التعليم أثناء جائحة كوفيد-19 تتكون هذه المذكرة من 20 صفحة وهي تمثل وثيقة حية سيتم تحديثها استجابة للتغيرات في احتياجات الأطفال والمراهقين والشباب والمعلمين ومقدمي الرعاية وغيرهم من العاملين في مجال التعليم المتأثرين بأزمة فيروس كورونا.
الموارد Technical Note on Education During the COVID-19 Pandemic This practitioner-oriented publication is designed as a living document that will be updated in response to changes in the learning and wellbeing needs of children, adolescents, youth, teachers, caregivers and other education personnel affected by COVID-19.
الموارد Nota técnica de la INEE sobre educación durante la pandemia del COVID-19 Esta publicación de 20 páginas está orientada a profesionales y diseñada como un documento vivo que se irá actualizando a partir de los cambios en las necesidades de aprendizaje y bienestar de niños, niñas, adolescentes, jóvenes, docentes, cuidadores y otro personal educativo afectado por el COVID-19.
مدونة INEE Technical Note on Education during the COVID-19 Pandemic This practitioner-oriented publication is designed as a living document that will be updated in response to changes in the learning and wellbeing needs of children, adolescents, youth, teachers, caregivers and other education personnel affected by COVID-19.
الموارد Note technique de l'INEE sur l'enseignement pendant la pandémie de COVID-19 Ceci est un document évolutif qui sera régulièrement mis à jour pour répondre aux besoins d’apprentissage et de bien-être des enfants, des adolescents, des jeunes, des enseignants, des aidants et d’autres membres du personnel de l’éducation, affectés par le Covid-19.