الموارد 20 Anos da INEE: Conquistas e Desafios da Educação em Situações de Emergência Este relatório que assinala o 20º Aniversário da INEE, disponibiliza um conjunto de informação sobre o número de crianças e jovens afetados por situações de crise, a quem, um pouco por todo o mundo, lhes é negado o direito à educação.
الموارد Averting an Education Catastrophe for the World's Children Education systems were already in crisis even before the pandemic and are now facing the likelihood of drastic budget cuts. If governments and development partners do not act immediately, this crisis could turn into a catastrophe from which millions of children may never recover.
حدث Meet-Ups da INEE - dezembro de 2020 Os Encontros (Meet-Ups) da INEE são reuniões informais, que acontecem em todos os cantos do mundo onde as e os membros da INEE e outras pessoas podem trabalhar em rede, partilhar experiências, e discutir assuntos relevantes. Todas as pessoas e todos os temas são bem-vindos! Esta é uma oportunidade fantástica para conhecer outros e outras membros e colegas da INEE, tanto a nível pessoal como profissional.
حدث لقاءات الآيني العالمية - ديسمبر/كانون الأول 2020 لقاءات الشبكة المشتركة لوكالات التعليم في حالات الطوارئ (INEE) هي تجمعات غير رسمية في جميع أنحاء العالم، حيث يمكن لأعضاء الآيني وغيرهم التواصل وتبادل الخبرات ومناقشة الموضوعات ذات الصلة. نرحب بجميع الأفراد والأعضاء وكذلك بجميع المواضيع! هذه فرصة رائعة للتعرف على أعضاء الآيني الآخرين وزملائهم على المستويين الشخصي والمهني.
حدث INEE Meet-Ups - December 2020 INEE Meet-Ups are informal gatherings in all corners of the globe where INEE members and others can network, share experiences, and discuss relevant topics. All people and all themes are welcome! This is a fantastic opportunity for getting to know other INEE members and fellow colleagues on both a personal and professional level.
حدث Encuentros de la INEE - Diciembre 2020 Los Encuentros de la INEE (Meet-Ups) son reuniones informales celebradas en todos los rincones del mundo donde los miembros de la INEE y otras personas pueden establecer contactos, compartir experiencias y discutir temas relevantes. ¡Todas las personas y todos los temas son bienvenidos! Es una fantástica oportunidad para conocer a otros miembros y compañeros/as de la INEE, tanto a nivel personal como profesional.
حدث Rencontres de l’INEE - Décembre 2020 Les Rencontres de l’INEE sont des rassemblements informels se déroulant aux quatre coins du monde, où les membres et non membres de l’INEE peuvent développer leur réseau, partager leurs expériences et discuter de sujets pertinents. Toutes les personnes et tous les thèmes sont les bienvenus ! Il s’agit d’une belle opportunité pour rencontrer et connaître d’autres membres de l’INEE et collègues aux niveaux personnel et professionnel.
مدونة Stories: Why governments need to provide education during and after conflicts and/or disasters - Malawi This story from the Forum for African Women Educationalists was collected as part of INEE's 20th Anniversary commemoration to highlight how education in the midst of crisis and upheaval has made a difference for our members and those they work with (learners, youth, teachers, caregivers, etc.).
مدونة Stories: Supporting Girls in their Pursuit of Education - Stories' from the Girls Education Challenge - Kenya & Uganda These stories of three girls and their pursuit of educaiton in Uganda and Kenya were collected as part of INEE's 20th Anniversary commemoration to highlight how education in the midst of crisis and upheaval has made a difference for our members and those they work with (learners, youth, teachers, caregivers, etc.).
مدونة Declaración de la INEE sobre la lucha contra el racismo y la equidad racial La Secretaría de la INEE se compromete a abordar la inequidad racial, el desequilibrio de poder y la falta de representación diversa en nuestro personal y en nuestras redes de trabajo y a duplicar nuestros esfuerzos para lograr nuestra actual Prioridad Estratégica 4: Fortalecer y diversificar los miembros de la INEE.