الموارد Protecting Education Personnel from Targeted Attack in Conflict-Affected Countries The paper addresses the scope and nature of attacks on education personnel and the range of measures put in place to protect them. Many of the measures have not been formally evaluated. Additional research is needed to understand the dynamics of attacks on teachers and how to most effectively protect teachers.
الموارد The Role of Communities in Protecting Education from Attack: Lessons Learned This study examines how organizations supporting education programs have engaged communities to protect schools, students, and teachers in countries experiencing attacks on education.
الموارد Conflict Analysis Summaries These reports summarize findings from a conflict analysis that was undertaken as part of the UNICEF Peacebuilding, Education and Advocacy Programme (PBEA) funded by the Government of the Netherlands.
الموارد Compilation of Tools for Measuring Social Cohesion, Resilience, and Peacebuilding This document contains a compilation of sample survey questions that can be used as a reference when developing data collection tools to measure PBEA programme outcomes linked to social cohesion, resilience and peacebuilding.
الموارد Case Studies on Social and Emotional Learning It is hoped that the findings of this paper will highlight SEL’s adaptability and utilization as an increasingly demanded “process” by which many learning outcomes for Peace Education, Human Rights Education, Citizenship Education, DRR, and the reintegration of former combatants can be achieved.
الموارد Policies, Perceptions and Practices: Post-Conflict Banda Aceh, Indonesia This thesis examines how the recent conflict is taught in secondary school history classes in post-conflict Banda Aceh and the perceived impact of these teaching practices on a lasting peace.
الموارد Engaging Adolescents in Conflict Analysis: Guidance Note This Guidance Note offers tools and methods which UNICEF Country Offices can use to ensure the safe and meaningful participation of adolescents when doing a conflict analysis.
الموارد Faire participer les adolescents à l’analyse des conflicts note d’orientation Cette note d’orientation propose aux bureaux de pays de l’UNICEF des outils et des méthodes garantissant une participation réelle et sans danger des adolescents à l’analyse d’un conflit
الموارد Peacebuilding Knowledge, Attitudes, and Skills: Desk Review and Recommendations This report seeks to answer the following question: what knowledge, skills and attitudes do children and adolescents need to cope with conflict, resolve conflict, promote peace, and contribute to peace processes? A secondary question considered in this report is: how can we effectively teach peace knowledge, skills and attitudes in conflict-affected situations?
الموارد Programme de consolidation de la paix, d'éducation et de plaidoyer Le présent rapport vise à répondre à la question suivante : quelles sont les connaissances, aptitudes et attitudes dont ont besoin les enfants et les adolescents pour faire face aux conflits, les résoudre, promouvoir la paix et participer aux processus de paix ?