الموارد Teacher Psychosocial Health and Wellbeing in Schools: Self-Completion Questionnaire Right to Play is asking teachers around the world these questions to provide us with some initial indications on your wellbeing, thinking specifically about how COVID-19 may have affected your lives.
الموارد Psychosocial Support (PSS) and Wellbeing SMS Guide and Training This ½-day training (3.5 hours) is designed to build basic competencies around psychosocial support (PSS) and well-being for teachers working in crisis and conflict-affected contexts during the COVID-19 pandemic.
الموارد Teacher Wellbeing Focus Group Discussion Guide The focus group discussion guide is a tool designed for Right to Play staff to facilitate with teachers who have returned to school after COVD-19 enforced closures (across the globe) as well as for teacher in Burundi and Tanzania who have continued teaching throughout the global COVID-19 pandemic.
أخبار Teachers Shoulder the Burden: Improving Support in Crisis Contexts Teachers are at the heart of children and young peoples’ educational experiences. Teachers play multiple roles in their students’ lives by supporting their learning, providing them with inclusive and safe environments to grow and develop, and helping them become more confident as they make their way in the world
الموارد Education Technical Note: Teacher Wellbeing This guidance is to help Right To Play staff advocate for and promote teacher wellbeing as schools reopen following COVID-19 forced school closures around the world.
الموارد Psychosocial Support for Children during COVID-19: An education in emergencies training workshop for teachers The training is designed to equip teachers and school administrators to care for students effectively and ensure that they receive the psychosocial support they need in order to cope with crisis and return to school during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
الموارد Soutien psychosocial aux enfants pendant la COVID-19 : Un atelier de formation à l'éducation en situations d'urgence pour le personnel enseignant Cet atelier de formation comprend deux sessions de formation de deux heures qui peuvent être dispensées en ligne ou en face à face. La formation est conçue pour donner au personnel enseignant et personnel de l'administration scolaire les moyens de s'occuper efficacement des élèves et de s'assurer qu'ils et elles reçoivent le soutien psychosocial dont ils et elles ont besoin pour faire face à la crise et retourner à l'école pendant la pandémie de COVID-19.
مدونة Teaching in Times of Crisis: A Global Initiative for Teacher Professional Development Educators from crisis contexts share their experiences and strategies for teaching during a global pandemic.
الموارد Supporting teachers in back-to-school efforts – A toolkit for school leaders This Toolkit was designed for school leaders to support and protect teachers and education support staff in the return to school following COVID-19 related closures. While aimed primarily at school leaders, the Toolkit is also potentially useful for teachers and education support staff to better understand their roles and responsibilities in back-to-school efforts.