Resource Diversity and Fragmentation of Myanmar Education: Schooling Shaped by Protracted Conflict and Crisis This technical brief highlights key findings from a detailed report of a rigorous review of the existing body of research in education in the conflict-affected context of Myanmar: Diversity and Fragmentation of Myanmar Education: Schooling Shaped by Protracted Conflict and Crisis (Rinehart et al, 2024) This review draws upon relevant studies conducted since 2000 as well as complementary findings from journalistic writing and key informant interviews conducted in 2024. It organises, describes and analyses the current evidence base for education in Myanmar and identifies evidence gaps for future research.
Resource Diversity and Fragmentation of Myanmar Education: Schooling Shaped by Protracted Conflict and Crisis This rigorous review synthesises evidence on education in the conflict-affected contexts of Myanmar. Applying the ERICC conceptual framework (Kim et al., 2022), we analyse the status of education and overall outcomes in terms of access, quality, continuity and coherence of education, particularly in regions that are controlled by ethnic armed organisations (EAOs), in refugee camps and in migrant settings on the Thai-Myanmar border.
Resource World Education Statistics 2024 The World Education Statistics document is composed of an introduction that describes broadly the SDG4 monitoring framework, 11 thematic chapters, annexes, and a glossary. Each chapter focuses on one SDG 4 target and its more relevant indicator(s)
Resource Indikit - Updated Education Indicators and Guidance This webinar introduced participants to Indikit and the newly updated education indicators. It showed how to navigate the platform and took participants through examples of how to collect quality data. It provided space for participants to ask questions on how it all works, and how one can develop their own organizational indicator guidance if interested in having a tailored platform of indicators.
News Plaidoyer en faveur de l'éducation dans les contextes difficiles : enseignements tirés des praticiens Si votre rôle consiste à persuader les autorités nationales d’assurer une éducation de qualité alors que votre gouvernement est instable, en proie à un conflit armé ou qu'il a réprimé les activités de plaidoyer de la société civile, comment pouvez-vous effectuer efficacement votre travail ?
Resource غير محميين : تحليل التمويل المخصص لحماية الطفل في العمل الإنساني في عام 2023 يقدم التقرير تحليلاً متعمقًا للفجوات التمويلية الشديدة التي لا تزال تؤثر على حماية الأطفال في البيئات الإنسانية. ومع تصاعد الأزمات في جميع أنحاء العالم، يسلط التقرير الضوء على الحاجة الملحة إلى زيادة التمويل العادل لحماية الأطفال الأكثر ضعفًا.
Resource Unprotected: Analysis of Funding for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action in 2023 The report provides an in-depth analysis of the severe funding gaps that continue to impact child protection in humanitarian settings. As crises escalate worldwide, the report highlights the urgent need for increased and equitable funding to protect the most vulnerable children.
Resource Niños y Niñas Desprotegidos: Análisis de la financiación destinada a la protección de la niñez y la adolescencia en la acción humanitaria en 2023 El informe ofrece un análisis en profundidad de las graves deficiencias de financiación que siguen afectando a la protección de la infancia en situaciones humanitarias. A medida que las crisis se intensifican en todo el mundo, el informe destaca la necesidad urgente de aumentar y hacer más equitativa la financiación para proteger a los niños más vulnerables.
Resource Sans défense : Analyse du financement de la protection de l'enfance dans l'action humanitaire en 2023 Le rapport fournit une analyse approfondie des graves déficits de financement qui continuent d’avoir un impact sur la protection de l’enfance dans les contextes humanitaires. Alors que les crises s’intensifient dans le monde entier, le rapport souligne le besoin urgent d’un financement accru et équitable pour protéger les enfants les plus vulnérables.
Resource ERICC Webinar Series: Refugee Inclusion in National Education Systems Together, the panelists engaged in discussion about connections and learnings across contexts. These presentations, ranging from global evidence reviews to comparative longitudinal studies, aimed to create a more cohesive understanding of the latest research in refugee inclusion, with the aim to move the EiE sector forward through specific takeaways for policy and practice.