Resource Global Trends: Forced Displacement in 2022 Global forced displacement is at an all-time high, with the number of forcibly displaced people doubling over the past decade. Today, the global figure exceeds 110 million people forced to flee from persecution, conflict, violence and human rights violations.
Resource المدارس في سوريا -تقرير مواضيعي تشاركي يستعرض التقرير السابع لحالة المدارس في مناطق خارج سيطرة النظام ضمن الجمهورية العربية السورية ويقيِّم وضع التعليم في هذه المدارس خلال العام الدراسي 2022-2023. يجدر بالذكر أن هذا التقرير يُصدر سنويًا من قبل وحدة إدارة المعلومات (IMU)، التابعة لوحدة تنسيق الدعم (ACU). وفي هذا الإصدار من التقرير، شاركت 21 منظمة إنسانية تعمل في قطاع التعليم في جمع البيانات.
Event Quality Holistic Learning (QHL) Project Webinar & Resource Sharing During this sharing event, the Quality Holistic Learning Project team will share the new resources and talk about implementation of QHL Open Educational Resources for teachers in a variety of settings across Lebanon, Kenya, and Niger, including with public school teachers, in community-based programs, online, offline, and blended. UTC
Resource Advancing Climate-Resilient Education Technical Guidance This Guidance builds on the USAID 2022–2030 Climate Strategy and the 2018 USAID Education Policy to support USAID Missions and partners who seek to integrate climate action and awareness into education programs and are committed to achieving climate-resilient education systems and fostering climate-resilient learners. It outlines how to identify opportunities for climate action that respond to known climate hazards through mitigative, adaptive, and transformative actions.
Resource Inclusive Distance Education Toolkit The Inclusive Distance Education Toolkit compiles resources on: inclusive education, education in emergencies, disability inclusive education, and distance education across the humanitarian-development nexus.
Resource Digitally powered ‘learning to earning’ for displaced young people and adolescent girls and young women This report explores how digitally powered learning to earning for displaced young people, adolescent girls and young women (especially refugees, but also internally displaced and those in host communities) can be further developed and scaled.
Resource Early Childhood Development in Emergencies Education Diplomacy Guidance on Multisectoral Coordination This Guidance addresses multisectoral coordination for Early Childhood Development in Emergencies (ECDiE), using Education Diplomacy concepts and practices to provide practical guidance to ECDiE practitioners.
Resource Learning Recovery to Acceleration: A Global Update on Country Efforts to Improve Learning and Reduce Inequalities This report examines what countries are doing to recover and accelerate learning, and how they are doing it. The report aims to identify effective or promising at-scale interventions and policies to recover and accelerate learning, and to distill implementation lessons. The focus is on primary and secondary education and on the responses employed once schools reopened after pandemic-related disruptions.
Blog Equity in Education: Achieving Migrant and Refugee Children’s Integration in host Communities Children and young people from migrant and refugee backgrounds are often left behind in education compared to their peers in the host countries. Read how an accelerated education program in Colombia helped bridge this gap for migrant and refugee integration into national systems.
Resource Guidance Note for Establishing and Sustaining (Virtual) Communities of Practice in Displacement Contexts This document provides an overview of the path to creating a Community of Practice (CoP) within the context of the Quality Holistic Learning (QHL) Project. It also shares recommendations, observations, and practical tips from community members.