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1 August 2006 Report United States Institute of Peace (USIP)

The Role of Women in Stabilisation and Reconstruction

This report argues that it is essential for the U.S. government to institutionalise an ongoing, at-the-ready capability to ensure women's involvement in post-conflict peace-building and reconstruction operations. It provides a variety of recommendations to the US government from gender sensitivity to enhancing th role of women in stabilisation and reconstruction.

1 August 2006 Report Save the Children

Save the Children: Workshops on Physical Environment

The importance of the physical environment in children’s lives is not only documented in literature and research but also immediately acknowledged by persons who work closely with children in the field. During the workshops that we have conducted, Save the Children personnel were able to generate a long list of environmental issues that affect children negatively.

11 July 2006 Manual/Handbook/Guide Oxfam

Working with the Media on Gender and Education: A Guide for Training and Planning

This guide has been developed following two 'Gender, Education and the Media' workshops which were held in Nairobi, Kenya in December 2005 and in Dhaka, Bangladesh in March 2006. It brings together learning from both workshops in order to help organisations working on gender and education develop and implement media-advocacy strategies for gender equitable education.

1 July 2006 Report
Institute of Development Studies at the University of Sussex

On the Links between Violent Conflict and Chronic Poverty: How Much Do We Really Know?

This paper examines the trends emerging from recent research into the relationship between violent conflict and chronic poverty. The author weighs the usefulness of this research, and considers the transmission mechanisms from violent conflict through to chronic poverty, and the impact of chronic poverty on conflict.

1 July 2006 Emergency Update/Report United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)

Child Alert: Democratic Republic of Congo

This briefing report, released prior to the first free elections in the country in over 40 years, describes the tragedies that face the DRC's children and urges the international community to seize the opportunity to put an end to the world's deadliest humanitarian crisis since World War II.

30 June 2006 Journal Article Forced Migration Review (FMR)

Getting Southern Sudanese Children to School

The Government of Southern Sudan’s Go to School Initiative, supported by UNICEF, which seeks to get 1.6 million children back in school by the end of 2007, incorporates key elements of the INEE Minimum Standards for Education in Emergencies, Chronic Crises and Early Reconstruction.

30 June 2006 Journal Article Forced Migration Review (FMR)

Education and Conflict: An NGO Perspective

NGOs working in education in conflict-affected areas have realised the importance of listening to children, encouraging their genuine participation in programmes and publicising and scaling up the innovations which often arise in the aftermath of war.

16 June 2006 Report
International Strategy for Disaster Reduction

Symposium on Progress and Proposals Regarding Education for Sustainable Development

Education is a crucial means within local communities around the world to communicate, to motivate and to engage as much as it is to teach. An investment in education, particularly at the primary and secondary levels, can help a community address and continuously reinforce the various dimensions of disaster risk across generations.

11 June 2006 Case Study
Técnica Ministerio de Educación and ITDG, Soluciones Prácticas Pobreza

Let's be Prepared: An Educational Project about Disasters in Cuba

The project entitled “A Prepararnos” was implemented in the province of Holguin to develop environmental education through formal, non-formal and informal means with the active participation of children and the community at large. The project focused on the relationship between schools and communities.

14 April 2006 Report Save the Children, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organziation (UNESCO)

Training Workshop on Minimum Standards for Education in Emergencies, Chronic Crises and Early Reconstruction in Islamabad, Pakistan

The Minimum Standards for Education in Emergencies (MSEE) training workshop in Islamabad. The organisers and trainers at the Islamabad workshop from Save the Children-UK (SC-UK), UNESCO and BEFARe in Pakistan either trained as ToTs or were trainers.

5 April 2006 Report United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR)

Let Our Children Teach Us! A Review of the Role of Education and Knowledge in Disaster Risk Reduction

This review examines good practices to reduce disaster risk through education, knowledge and innovation, including efforts to protect schools from extreme natural events. It looks critically and strategically at current activities in order to identify gaps, opportunities in the form of synergisms and partnerships, and centres of innovation.