


Geographic Focus

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31 December 2007 Manual/Handbook/Guide United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organziation (UNESCO)

People on the Move: Handbook of selected terms and concepts

This handbook takes stock of the present use of some selected terms and concepts. It is designed to be accessible to a general public which may not be familiar with the detailed discussions in the field of refugee and migration policy.

31 December 2007 Case Study United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organziation (UNESCO)

Another Way to Learn...Case Studies

There are too many people who are impacted by poverty, poor housing, stigma and discrimination, unemployment, and ill health. Education and public services have not worked well for the marginalized and disadvantaged, who in turn do not always have the means to challenge the quality of education or provision they are offered.

1 December 2007 Book Women's Refugee Commission (WRC)

Your Right to Education: A Handbook for Refugees and Displaced Communities

This book has been created for children and youth, parents, teachers and communities. It is meant to raise awareness of everyone's right to education and to encourage communities to work for educational services for all children and youth. The information in this book is based on international human rights, humanitarian and refugee law.

1 December 2007 Journal Article
Forced Migration Review

The Cluster Approach in Northern Uganda

The Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) strongly believes that the Cluster Approach holds promise for improving the international response to internal displacement. The approach represents a serious attempt by the UN, NGOs, international organisations and governments to address critical gaps in the humanitarian system.

1 December 2007 Journal Article
Forced Migration Reivew

The Education Cluster in Pakistan

The 2005 Pakistan earthquake had devastating effects across all sectors, including education. Recent floods have presented additional challenges for the education cluster which has coordinated the response and recovery activities of most education-focused agencies

27 September 2007 Manual/Handbook/Guide
International Rescue Committee (IRC), Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS), United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
Christian Children's Fund

Creating Safe Learning Environments: Sharing Good Practices

This is a short compilation of good practices with regard to safe learning environments. It has been developed jointly by UNHCR, JRS, CCF and IRC in preparation of UNHCRs Annual Consultations with NGOs and within the context of the inter-agency Initiative for Safe School Environments.

18 September 2007 Report International Rescue Committee (IRC)

Determining Best Interests of Unaccompanied and Separated Children: Lessons for Guinea

In most refugee situations the majority of separated and unaccompanied children are reunified with their families. However, a number of children always remain for whom tracing is unsuccessful despite extensive and comprehensive efforts. It is for these children that formal Best Interest Determination (BID) procedures are implemented to safeguard their rights.

1 July 2007 Report United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organziation (UNESCO)

Attracting, developing and retaining effective teachers: A global overview of current policies and practices

The rapid pace of change in new communication technologies is impacting on economies and education systems alike. This overview looks at these factors and the implications for teachers in respect of: teacher supply and retention; teacher education reform; innovations in the pre-service and continuing professional development (cpd) of teachers.