1 January 2006
Joint United Nations Programms on HIV and AIDS (UNAIDS), United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organziation (UNESCO)
HIV and AIDS are among the key factors exerting pressure on education systems and students in the regions with the greatest EFA challenges. Halting the spread of HIV is not only a Millennium Development Goal (MDG) in itself (Goal 6), but is a prerequisite for reaching the others including Goal 2 (achieving universal primary education) and Goal 3 (promoting gender equality and the empowerment of women).
This article argues for a higher priority to be given to education in times of crisis, including funding, and outlines the work of the International Rescue Committee (IRC) and the Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE). A case study is included describing the priority of education in Sierra Leone for Liberian refugees.
The Toolkit has been developed for UNICEF officers, and presents information and tools to enable them to prepare for and respond to emergencies to comply with UNICEF’s Core Commitments for Emergencies in the education sector.
While education does not cause wars, nor end them, every education system has the potential either to exacerbate or to mitigate the conditions that contribute to violent conflict.
More than half of the world’s 103,5 million out-of school children live in countries affected by, or recovering from, emergencies. This thesis focuses on one of the most serious impediments to the provision of quality education in situations of emergency and reconstruction: the lack of donor commitment and funding.
The Guidelines provide ideas for methodologies and activities (based on the lessons learned during the action research project) that others can try or adapt in order to facilitate similar reflection, recording, learning and sharing within their local communities.
This final report was produced by Christian Children's Fund in August 2005. The report focuses on a project in Angola that was implemented from July 2003 through July 2005: Life-skills Training for Adolescents Affected by Conflict in Angola (LSE)
Basic education is seen as the best means for improving conditions for poor and rural populations, disadvantaged social groups, and females, in general.
The purpose of this roundtable was to share information, address challenges and gaps, and determine next steps regarding Education in Emergencies, as a precondition to meeting the Millennium Development Goals.
This handbook has been written for anyone who plans and writes learning materials for use in open and distance learning (ODL). Anyone who is interested in producing better ODL materials will find something of value in this handbook, but the three main target audiences are: teachers, instructional designers, and writers.
This report from three African country case studies presents key findings from pilots of the Civil Society Assessment Tool (CSAT) in Angola, Guinea Bissau, and Togo.
Learning from Experiences and Good Practices: Psychosocial Work Done in both Emergencies and non-Emergency Contexts (UNICEF, 22-24 June 2005, Entebbe, Uganda)
It is our pleasure to present this report of the workshop “Dealing with alleged child collaborators in the Occupied Palestinian Territory in the spirit of the Convention on the Rights of the Child”, which took place in Ramallah on 20 April 2005. We hope it will shed some light over one of the most important and sensitive issues regarding child protection in the OPT.
Education, Conflict and Social Cohesion argues that in order to ensure that processes of education reform are meaningful contributions to reconciliation and peace-building, the subtle and complex relationships between schooling and conflict need to be explicitly recognised and examined.
This document is intended for local authorities that establish schools, and for school teachers and staff. It introduces examples of seismic retrofitting on nonstructural members that could be identified and implemented through daily inspections.
In response to the January 26, 2001 Gujarat Earthquake in India, 153 schools in Ahmedabad, Baroda and Surat were studied to identify earthquake-unsafe school buildings. A rapid, inexpensive method was adopted to assess the earthquake vulnerability of the school buildings. The report may serve as a model on how to assess the seismic safety of school buildings.
This programme covers three days of training, and the main objective is to focus on how teachers can give psychosocial support to children affected by war. It is assumed that these children have returned to a more or less normal school environment.
This journal about early childhood looks at specific issues regarding the protection and development of young children, in particular from a psychosocial perspective, in emergencies. It contains articles on rapid child protection assessments in emergency contexts, ECD in emergencies, the child-to-child approach of helping children in emergencies and affected by conflict, restorative play in refugee situations and disabled children in conflict situations.
Pages 11-12 of this compendium of indicators contain output and outcome indicators for in-school feeding, school feeding take home rations and food for training, including literacy and numeracy programmes, which can be used for monitoring and evaluation.