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1 January 2010 Report Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)

INEE 2009 Annual Report

INEE's collective work in 2009 has made strong contributions towards the realisation of the network's vision. INEE is proud to highlight the following select accomplishments.

1 January 2010 Advocacy Statement Save the Children

Recommendations to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child

States Parties have recognized the right to education for every child and they should seek guidance and assistance from the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child in their efforts to implement the rights of children in emergencies, encompassing both conflict; national and international; and natural disasters.

1 January 2010 Report United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organziation (UNESCO)

Protecting Education from Attack: State of the Art Review

This accompanying publication to the 2010 edition of Education under Attack presents key discussion points and 13 papers written by researchers and practitioners active in the field of protecting education from attack.

1 January 2010 Manual/Handbook/Guide Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)

INEE Minimum Standards, 2010 Edition Map

The Minimum Standards map lays out all 19 Minimum Standards.

31 December 2009 Background Paper
UNDG Task Force on the MDGs

Thematic Paper on MDG 2: Achieve Universal Primary Education

Primary education is a powerful driver for realizing all of the MDGs and for sustainable development more generally. MDG2 – providing a full course of primary schooling for everyone in every country – will not be attained everywhere by the target date of 2015. However, significant achievements in expanding access to schooling have been made in many countries during the past decade.

31 December 2009 Brochure/Pamphlet Global Education Cluster

The Education Cluster in Haiti: Two Years On

Throughout 2011, the Haiti Education Cluster continued to leverage resources to enhance cholera prevention and the recovery of the education system from the impact of the earthquake, while supporting the Government of Haiti to strengthen the capacity of the education system, including developing mechanisms to prevent, prepare for and respond to future emergencies.