Recurso Decolonising Knowledge Production in the Field of Refugee Education: Unsettling the Ontology and Epistemology of a Nascent Field This report provides an in-depth analysis of the knowledge production landscape in the field of refugee education, critically exploring how it continues to be shaped by colonial legacies and dominated by global north (GN) perspectives.
Blogue مصادر لمناهضة العنصرية أصدرت الأمانة العامة للشبكة المشتركة لوكالات التعليم في حالات الطوارئ (الآيني)، في أكتوبر 2020، بيانًا بشأن مكافحة العنصرية والمساواة العرقية. شكل ذلك خطوة لإرشاد عمل وبنية الشبكة من حيث معالجة أوجه عدم المساواة في مجال التعليم في حالات الطوارئ. في هذه المدونة، نشارك الموارد التي تم تطويرها بواسطة اثنين من مستشاري الشبكة بالإضافة إلى صفحة إلكترونية جديدة تركز على مكافحة العنصرية عبر موقع الآيني الإلكتروني.
Blogue Anti-Racism Resources In October 2020, the INEE Secretariat published our Statement on Anti-Racism and Racial Equity as a step toward addressing inequities in our work and structures, and in the education in emergencies sector more broadly. This blog shares the resources developed through two INEE consultancies, as well as INEE’s new Anti-Racism Collection page.
Blogue Ressources sur l’antiracisme En octobre 2020, le Secrétariat de l'INEE a publié sa Déclaration sur l'antiracisme et l'équité raciale comme une étape vers la lutte contre les inégalités dans notre travail et nos structures, et dans le secteur de l'éducation en situations d'urgence de manière plus générale. Ce blog partage les ressources développées à travers deux consultances de l'INEE, ainsi que la nouvelle page de Recueil sur l’antiracisme de l'INEE.
Blogue Recursos sobre antirracismo En octubre de 2020, la Secretaría de la INEE publicó su Declaración sobre antirracismo y equidad racial como un paso para abordar las desigualdades en el trabajo y estructuras de la INEE, y en el sector de la educación en situaciones de emergencias en general. Este blog comparte los recursos desarrollados a través de dos consultorías de la INEE, así como la nueva página de la colección de antirracismo de la INEE.
Blogue Recursos sobre antirracismo Em outubro de 2020, o Secretariado da INEE publicou a Declaração sobre Antirracismo e Equidade Racial como um passo para abordar as desigualdades em nosso trabalho e nossas estruturas, assim como no setor de educação em situações de emergência de forma mais ampla. Este artigo partilha os recursos desenvolvidos através de duas consultorias da INEE, bem como a nova página da Coleção Antirracismo da INEE.
Recurso Unmasking racism: Guidelines for educational materials These Guidelines intend to increase awareness and improve understanding of how racism manifests itself in educational materials and to provide guidance on how to counter this phenomenon.
Recurso Critiquing Education in Emergencies Today we dive into the field of education in emergencies, highlighting its entanglements with colonialism, empire, and racial capitalism. My guest is Jess Oddy.
Recurso Laboratories of Learning: Social Movements, Education and Knowledge-Making in the Global South This book explores the ways that social movements are important and overlooked laboratories of learning and sources of knowledge-making, drawing on the findings from a collaborative research project which took place in Turkey, Colombia, Nepal and South Africa.
Recurso Retelling education in emergencies through the black radical tradition: on racial capitalism, critical race theory and fugitivity The paper, adopting my roles as a scholar and aid practitioner, critically examines the EiE sector through three Black Radical Tradition (BRT) lenses: racial capitalism, critical race theory, and fugitivity. It employs case studies, aligning with the BRT’s interconnected focus, revealing the pervasive influence of educational aid, racial injustice, and structural inequalities.