French Language Community
The INEE French Language Communities (FLC) is a network space that facilitates advocacy, resource development, and knowledge sharing among INEE members who speak French. The FLC is supported by a Language Community Facilitator who creates, translates, and disseminates tools and information in French, and supports training and capacity-building opportunities for French-speaking INEE members.
There are currently 1,943 members the INEE French Language Community. Membership in the FLC is free and open to all INEE members. Not a member of INEE? Click here to join INEE
FLC members live and work in 106 countries around the world FLC members also represent numerous organizations and bodies such as international and local NGOs, UN agencies, government institutions, community based organisations, and academic institutions, such as universities and schools.
FLC Engagement
The INEE website is fully accessible in French (, and is populated with a range of member-contributed content, including news, jobs, blogs, resources, multimedia, and discussion forums.
FLC members receive a monthly newsletter that highlights developments in the field of education in emergencies (EiE) and the work of INEE network members; the newsletter also contains information about jobs vacancies, training opportunities, and scholarships. FLC members also regularly contact INEE to request materials, to learn about trainings and other network activities, and to seek volunteering and work opportunities. Most of the communications originate in francophone African countries, Quebec, and France, but also from native French speakers based elsewhere in the world.
INEE Working Groups
The FLC closely follows the progress of the INEE working groups and encourages francophone members or organizations working in francophone regions to participate in the global work of INEE through the working groups. The FLC amplifies the accomplishments of and participation in the working groups, while also fostering partnerships between francophone organizations and donors.
INEE Minimum Standards
The INEE Minimum Standard handbook has been translated to French and contextualised in DRC (Province of North-Kivu):
- Normes Minimales de l’INEE pour l’éducation (2010)
- Normes Minimales de l’éducation en situations d’urgence, RDC Nord Kivu
Conflict Sensitive Education (CSE)
In 2017, the INEE Conflict Sensitive Education (CSE) sub-Working Group focused on enhancing the accessibility of the CSE Pack among partners working in emergencies and protracted crises in order to increase the relevance of the Pack for users, increase involvement of government representatives in CSE training and planning, and improve sustainability of CSE Pack use and training. To accomplish this objective, INEE organized a CSE Training of Trainers (ToT) held in July 2017 in Amman, Jordan. A number of "anchor organizations" were selected to roll out multi-agency, in-country CSE trainings within six months after the ToT. The CSE materials are available online in French.
Teachers in Crisis Contexts (TiCC)
The Training Pack for Primary School Teachers in Crisis Contexts, published in March 2016, is intended to build basic teaching competencies for unqualified or under-qualified teachers often recruited to teach in refugee/IDP camps and in a range of other emergency settings. The French translation of the TiCC Pack was finalized in January 2018 and materials are available by writing to [email protected].
The FLC Facilitator connects members and organizes face-to-face INEE Meet-Ups twice a year.
The Facilitator also reaches out and convenes a wide variety of meetings to develop partnerships, strengthen advocacy efforts, and harmonize EiE efforts in francophone regions and countries.
For more information, please visit or write to [email protected].