Ressource Educación en situaciones de emergencia y desastres: Guía de preparativos para el sector educación Guía que recopila diferentes experiencias y recursos que han sido utilizados para garantizar la educación en situaciones de emergencia y desastres, a nivel de formulación de políticas, programas y operaciones.
Ressource Life Skills Development in Afghanistan After the 2001 war, Afghanistan’s Ministry of Education, with the support of international agencies including UNESCO and UNICEF, initiated a comprehensive revision of the primary and secondary curriculum as to promote learner-centredness and quality learning outcomes.
Ressource Creating Learning Materials for Open and Distance Learning: A Handbook for Authors and Instructional Designers This handbook has been written for anyone who plans and writes learning materials for use in open and distance learning (ODL). Anyone who is interested in producing better ODL materials will find something of value in this handbook, but the three main target audiences are: teachers, instructional designers, and writers.
Ressource Curriculum Report Card For this study, UNICEF Education Program Officers (EPOs) from nearly 60 countries answered questions about Life Skills, peace education, gender, reading and writing skills, and learning outcomes in national curricula.