Ressource Educación en situaciones de emergencia y desastres: Guía de preparativos para el sector educación Guía que recopila diferentes experiencias y recursos que han sido utilizados para garantizar la educación en situaciones de emergencia y desastres, a nivel de formulación de políticas, programas y operaciones.
Ressource Engaging Boys and Men in GBV Prevention and Reproductive Health in Conflict and Emergency-Response This workshop module is designed to build the skills of participants working to engage boys and men in gender-based violence (GBV) prevention and reproductive health (RH) in conflict and other emergency-response settings.
Ressource Technology-based Vocational Skills Training for Marginalized Girls and Young Women This publication is an outcome of the pilot experiences in Indonesia under the programme entitled “Scientific, Technical and Vocational Education for Out-of-School Girls: Schools and Learning Centres as Community Catalysts for Poverty Reduction and Empowerment of Girls (STVE)” implemented by UNESCO Jakarta.
Ressource The Safe Schools Program: Student and Teacher Baseline Report on School-Related Gender-Based Violence in Malawi This report details the methodology, population characteristics, and results of a recently conducted survey on gender-based physical, psychological and sexual violence at schools including in the classroom and on the school grounds as well as going to and from school.
Ressource Preventing and Responding to Gender Based Violence in and through Education The Minimum Standards make a number of explicit and implicit references to strategies to prevent gender-based violence in and through education.
Ressource Promoting Gender Equality in the Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Process of Aceh and Nias This legal framework outlines that all heads of government institutions at the national and sub-national levels are responsible for applying the gender mainstreaming strategy within the scope of their respective tasks, functions, levels of authority and monitoring and evaluation of the results of their activities.
Ressource The Role of Women in Stabilisation and Reconstruction This report argues that it is essential for the U.S. government to institutionalise an ongoing, at-the-ready capability to ensure women's involvement in post-conflict peace-building and reconstruction operations. It provides a variety of recommendations to the US government from gender sensitivity to enhancing th role of women in stabilisation and reconstruction.
Ressource Working with the Media on Gender and Education: A Guide for Training and Planning This guide has been developed following two 'Gender, Education and the Media' workshops which were held in Nairobi, Kenya in December 2005 and in Dhaka, Bangladesh in March 2006. It brings together learning from both workshops in order to help organisations working on gender and education develop and implement media-advocacy strategies for gender equitable education.
Ressource Participatory Gender Review: UNICEFs Response to the Pakistan Earthquake This report flows from the one-month intervention of Linda Pennells, Gender & Governance Consultant, working with UNICEF’s earthquake emergency team in Pakistan to identify lessons learned from the six-month earthquake emergency response that can inform a gender-responsive transition to recovery.
Ressource نساء وفتيات وفتيان ورجال احتياجات مختلفة - فرص متساوية ويقدم هذا الكتيب املعايري اخلاصة بتكامل قضايا اجلندر )الفروق بني اجلنسني( منذ بداية وقوع حالة طوارئ أو كارثة جديدة معقدة، حتى ال تؤدي اخلدمات اإلنسانية املقدمة إىل تفاقم الوضع أو تعريض حياة الناس، دون قصد للمخاطر، ولكي تصل إىل الفئات املستهدفة، وحتقق أفضل التأثريات اإلجيابية.