Ressource Education in Darfur: A critical component of humanitarian response This report outlines findings on education from missions taken by the Women’s Commission for Refugee Women and Children in November 2005 and June 2006, and recommends actions the international community can take to ensure that the children and young people of Darfur have a chance to learn while displaced from their homes and communities.
Ressource The present is local, the future is global? Refugees often see education of their children as the principal way of ensuring a better future for their family. In this way, pursuing education is a forward-looking livelihood strategy for both children and their parents. Just as importantly, education often plays a role in creating stability in the daily lives of displaced children.
Ressource Life-skills Training for Adolescents Affected by Conflict in Angola (LSE) Final Report This final report was produced by Christian Children's Fund in August 2005. The report focuses on a project in Angola that was implemented from July 2003 through July 2005: Life-skills Training for Adolescents Affected by Conflict in Angola (LSE)
Ressource Psychosocial Programs for Children Affected by Armed Conflict and Children Affected by AIDS Learning from Experiences and Good Practices: Psychosocial Work Done in both Emergencies and non-Emergency Contexts (UNICEF, 22-24 June 2005, Entebbe, Uganda)
Ressource Protection through Participation: Young People Affected by Forced Migration and Political Crisis This paper examines how to develop more effective protection in practice by active participation of young people. The author insists that a strong basis for protection already exists among many young people themselves.
Ressource Stressors, Supports and the Social Ecology of Displacement: Psychosocial Dimensions of an Emergency This study explored the psychosocial benefits of an emergency education intervention serving adolescents displaced by the war in Chechnya. It set out to describe key stressors and sources of social support available to youth served by the International Rescue Committee’s (IRC) emergency education program.
Ressource To Play, Learn, and Think: Understanding and Mitigating the Effects of Exposure to Violent Events on the Cognitive Capacity of Children and Adolescents Research on the effects of exposure to real-life violent events point to resulting difficulties in cognitive capacity. This creates difficulties for schoolchildren in thinking and learning.
Ressource Child Friendly Spaces/Environments: An Integrated Services Response for Emergencies & their Aftermath This publication explores policies and strategies for child friendly spaces/environments. It includes case studies from Albania, Turkey, Northern Caucasus, Colombia, Liberia, and Gujarat.
Ressource So You Want to Consult With Children? A toolkit of good practice As highlighted in the introduction this toolkit has been designed to offer advice, ideas and guidance for involving children in consultations at national, regional and international levels.
Ressource Petit guide à l’usage de ceux qui souhaitent consulter les enfants? Recueil de bonnes pratiques Comme nous l’avons souligné dans l’introduction, le présent guide a pour objet de vous proposer des idées, de vous conseiller et de vous guider dans vos efforts visant à impliquer les enfants dans des consultations au niveau national, régional et international.