Ressource دور خدمات تنمية الطفولة المبكرة في منع الصراعات العنيفة الغرض من هذا الموجز هو: (1) توضيح المخاطر المجتمعية التي تنشأ عندما تكون خدمات تنمية الطفولة المبكرة غير كافية و(2) إظهار كيف تساهم خدمات تنمية الطفولة المبكرة في دعم السلام من خلال زيادة التماسك الاجتماعي والمساواة والإنتاجية الاقتصادية.
Ressource Contributions of Early Childhood Development Services to Preventing Violent Conflict The purpose of this brief is to: (1) demonstrate the societal risks that result when early childhood development (ECD) services are lacking and (2) show how ECD services contribute to sustaining peace through increasing social cohesion, equality and economic productivity.
Ressource Contribuciones de los servicios para el desarrollo de la primera infancia a la prevención del conflicto violento y a la paz sostenible El propósito de este informe es: (1) demostrar los riesgos sociales que causa la falta de los servicios de desarrollo de la primera infancia y (2) evidenciar cómo los servicios de desarrollo de la primera infancia contribuyen a la paz sostenible a través de incrementar la cohesión social, la igualdad y la productividad económica.
Ressource Contributions des services de développement de la petite enfance à la prévention des conflits violents et au maintien de la paix La présente note a pour objet : (1) d’identifier les risques auxquels les sociétés sont confrontées quand les services de développement de la petite enfance (DPE) font défaut et (2) de montrer comment les services de DPE, en renforçant la cohésion sociale et en améliorant l’égalité et la productivité économique contribuent au maintien de la paix.
Ressource Life Skills Education and Psychosocial Support for Conflict-Affected Children and Adolescents UNICEF developed the ECHO Children of Peace-funded project, Life Skills Education and Psychosocial Support for Conflict-Affected Children and Adolescents in Ukraine, in response to assessments conducted during 2014, which showed patterns of distress, anxiety and deterioration of behaviour among children throughout the five eastern-most oblasts.
Ressource Communities Care: Transforming Lives and Preventing Violence Communities Care is a community-based model for preventing and responding to sexual violence against girls and women in conflict-affected settings.
Ressource Education, Peace and Development in Somali Society Our first issue focuses on peace, conflict and education in Somali society, showcasing some of the on-going research that looks at both the Horn of Africa and the Somali diaspora internationally.
Ressource Skills for Peace: Strengthening Peacebuilding Competencies Among Youth and Adolescents in Karamoja This case study critically examines the peacebuilding impact of a UNICEF-BRAC adolescent/youth development intervention in Karamoja implemented in 2015 under the Peacebuilding Education and Advocacy (PBEA) Program.
Ressource Strengthening Peacebuilding Competencies through Secondary Education: A case study on Piloting Reformed Lower Secondary Curriculum in Uganda In this report the findings from a qualitative assessment carried out among 3 pilot schools in Napak District is presented together with feedback from students from approximately 20% of participating schools.
Ressource Broadcasting Peace: A case study on Education for Peace, Participation and skills Development through Radio In 2012, UNICEF launched the Peacebuilding, Education and Advocacy Program in 14 countries including Uganda. The program has aimed to contribute to address conflict drivers related to education and contribute to peace and social cohesion.