Ressource Broadcasting Peace: A case study on Education for Peace, Participation and skills Development through Radio In 2012, UNICEF launched the Peacebuilding, Education and Advocacy Program in 14 countries including Uganda. The program has aimed to contribute to address conflict drivers related to education and contribute to peace and social cohesion.
Ressource Exploiter le potentiel des TIC Programmes : efficaces d’alphabétisation et de numératie utilisant la radio, la télévision, le téléphone mobile, les tablettes et les ordinateurs Cette publication présente une sélection de programmes d’alphabétisation qui utilisent la radio, la télévision, le téléphone portable, la tablette et l’ordinateur pour favoriser l’acquisition des compétences en lecture, écriture, calcul et langage.
Ressource Harnessing the Potential of ICTs: Literacy and Numeracy Programmes Using Radio, TV, Mobile Phones, Tablets and Computers The experiences documented in this publication show that the practice of effectively integrating ICTs into the teaching and learning of literacy and numeracy is not a simple one-step process.
Ressource Expanding Access to Early Childhood Development using Interactive Audio Instruction This document provides guidance for program and managers who may be interested in using IAI for early childhood development programming. it provides solid evidence for the viability of the IAI approach and outlines the process for designing and implementing an IAI program specifically for early childhood contexts.
Ressource Tablets for Teaching and Learning: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis This review aimed at going beyond the general hype around tablets and smart mobile devices to investigate the evidence supporting their use in educational contexts. To achieve this purpose, a systematic review of quantitative and qualitative research studies published since 2010 was completed.
Ressource Further guidance on education radio program content in light of Ebola outbreaks in West Africa To our knowledge, there is no precedence in the organization of the use of radio education programs as an education in emergencies response. This guidance note is the result of a brief search and consultation; it is not exhaustive but seeks to serve as a basis for discussion and program development.
Ressource Ensuring children continue to learn even in the Ebola Crisis: Proposed Provision of Open/Distance Learning for children in affected countries The idea is for children to continue learning in some alternative and cost-effective way during the Ebola outbreak, in particular during the school closure period. If children continue learning, it will be easier for them to catch up once schools reopen.
Ressource Children, ICT and Development: Capturing the potential, meeting the challenges This report explores the ways in which information and communication technologies (ICTs) can contribute to efforts towards meeting child-focused development goals. This report serves as a key contribution on which to build informed dialogue and decision making, developed jointly between research, policy and practice.
Ressource Staying or leaving? Designing for persistence in an online educator training programme in Indonesia This case study discusses factors impacting the attrition and persistence rates of 60 Indonesian educators in an online programme in 2010. Course designers developed three variations of a web-based programme – a fully online, hybrid and web-facilitated model – and placed 20 learners, all with similar technology skills, in the three different models.
Ressource Effects of Sesame Street: A meta-analysis of children's learning in 15 countries This meta-analysis examines the effects of children's exposure to international co-productions of Sesame Street, synthesizing the results of 24 studies, conducted with over 10,000 children in 15 countries.