Ressource Jeunes Dans Des Situations De Fragilité: Promotion De L'Emploi Des Jeunes au Service de la Paix et de la Résilience Plus de 1,4 milliard de personnes vivent actuellement dans des zones touchées par des conflits prolongés et des situations d'urgence complexes, qui s'étendent souvent sur de nombreuses années et compromettent considérablement les progrès en matière de développement.
Ressource Education in the Czech Republic: Handbook for Parents This guidebook is for parents of refugee children on the education system in the Czech Republic.
Ressource Life Skills Education and Psychosocial Support for Conflict-Affected Children and Adolescents UNICEF developed the ECHO Children of Peace-funded project, Life Skills Education and Psychosocial Support for Conflict-Affected Children and Adolescents in Ukraine, in response to assessments conducted during 2014, which showed patterns of distress, anxiety and deterioration of behaviour among children throughout the five eastern-most oblasts.
Ressource The Adolescent Brain: A second window of opportunity- A Compendium In this compendium, eight experts in adolescent neuroscience and development summarize scientific and programmatic evidence from their work, offering an insight into how to maximize the potential of adolescents during this period of opportunity, but also vulnerability.
Ressource Education, Peace and Development in Somali Society Our first issue focuses on peace, conflict and education in Somali society, showcasing some of the on-going research that looks at both the Horn of Africa and the Somali diaspora internationally.
Ressource Book Review: The Outcast Majority: War, Development, and Youth in Africa by Marc Sommers Anthropologist Marc Sommers has spent decades thinking and writing about youth in Africa, frequently while working as a consultant for government and NGO clients. In The Outcast Majority, Marc Sommers has written a career-summarizing book. The book details the vast gap between outcast youth in war-affected Africa and the international development enterprise.
Ressource Book Review: Arab Dawn: Arab Youth and the Demographic Dividend They Will Bring by Bessma Momani In Arab Dawn, Bessma Momani offers a nuanced picture of the everyday lives of young people throughout the Arab Middle East. She argues that there are important fundamental differences between today’s Arab youth and those of prior generations, and that young people will be driving change in the region.
Ressource La Cebra en Cotahuma Historia educativa para la prevención de desastres en las laderas de la ciudad de La Paz, Bolivia, que usa un lenguaje sencillo para explicar cómo educar a los niños, niñas y jóvenes para entender los riesgos y cómo identificar las vulnerabilidades, respecto a los eventos adversos que se presentan en las laderas a nivel municipal.
Ressource Help and Protection Desks: a Case Study from the 2015 Nepal Earthquake Response This case study describes how Help and Protection Desks set up by Plan International after the 2015 Nepal earthquake provided critical information and emergency assistance to children, adolescent girls and boys and their families.
Ressource Addressing School-Related Gender-Based Violence is Critical for Safe Learning Environment Crises, conflict and displacement lead to heightened insecurities – physical, psychological, social and financial -- for affected populations including refugees. The breakdown of family and community support systems and high levels of stress and trauma magnify pre-existing levels of violence and conflict within families and in schools.