Blog [Survey] INEE’s 20th Anniversary! INEE is almost 20 years old, and we want you to help us celebrate!
Blog (دعوة لتقديم قصص): ماذا يعني التعليم في حالات الطوارئ لكم؟! هل لديك قصة تخبرنا بها عن التعليم في حالات الطوارئ (EiE)؟ كلنا شغف للاستماع اليكم ومنكم!
Blog Call for Stories: What does EiE mean to you? Do you have a story to tell about education in emergencies (EiE)? We want to hear it!
Blog Why We Need to Listen to Asylum Seeking Students This blog was written by Hannah Gaffey and originally featured on The Education and Development Forum website.
Evènement Webinaire sur les enseignants et la réouverture des écoles L’objectif principal de ce webinaire est de donner la parole aux experts et aux enseignants afin qu’ils nous aident à mieux comprendre les modalités de réouverture des écoles ainsi que les rôles qu’ils y ont joué et les défis auxquels ils sont confrontés tout au long du processus.
Ressource Save Our Education: Protect every child’s right to learn in the COVID-19 response and recovery New analysis in this global report shows how COVID-19 may impact the funding of education, as well as the countries most at risk of falling behind. It also highlights the change we want to see for children and our recommendations for governments and the international community so we can keep learning alive, support every child to return to school and build back for better learning.
Ressource Collective impacts on a global education emergency: The power of network response This article refects on the immediate challenges of continuing education in humanitarian contexts and on the experience of INEE as a network supporting collective action of EiE practitioners. It also looks forward at INEE’s plans to support quality distance education and issues to consider on the reopening of schools. It concludes with refections on the needs and risks for EiE longer term
Blog Brussels Syria Conference 2020 – Don’t forget about education On June 30, world leaders will convene virtually for the Brussels IV Conference - Supporting the future of Syria and the region. This is a fantastic opportunity for new funding and policy commitments to support education for Syrian children.
Blog Rapport Aide française à l'éducation : des avancées en demi-teinte Sortie du nouveau rapport de la Coalition Education Aide française à l'éducation : des avancées en demi-teinte
Ressource Guia COVID 19: Boas práticas em Proteção Frente ao período de pandemia e suas medidas de enfrentamento como o distanciamento social que forçou o fechamento das escolas, a Campanha Nacional pelo Direito à Educação com o apoio de dezenas de entidades e voluntários produziu guias específicos de educação e proteção.