Ressource EFA Global Monitoring Report 2011: The Hidden Crisis - Armed conflict and education Violent conflict is one of the greatest development challenges facing the international community. Beyond the immediate human suffering it causes, it is a source of poverty, inequality and economic stagnation.
Ressource Informe de seguimiento de la EPT en el mundo 2011: Una crisis encubierta: conflictos armados y educación El Informe establece un plan para proteger el derecho a la educación durante los conflictos, fortalecer las prestaciones educativas para niños, jóvenes y adultos afectados por la lucha y reconstruir los sistemas de enseñanza en los países que salgan de una confrontación bélica.
Ressource Rapport mondial de suivi sur l'EPT 2011 : La crise cachée : les conflits armés et l’éducation Le Rapport mondial de suivi 2011 examine les conséquences désastreuses des conflits sur les objectifs de l’Éducation pour tous.
Ressource Temporary Learning Spaces (TLS): Design and practice in emergencies This compendium aims to equip field practitioners with a selection of documented TLSs that have been implemented in past emergencies to capitalise and pass on the knowledge that has been gained from past emergency responses. The compendium reviews and provides practical insides on how to implement TLSs that are most appropriate for various types of emergency situations.
Ressource INEE Minimum Standards Case Study: Setting up Child Friendly Spaces in Yemen This case study details the use of the INEE Minimum Standards for the establishment of Child Friendly Spaces (CFS) in North Yemen.
Ressource Targets of Both Sides: Violence Against Students, Teachers, and Schools in Thailands Southern Border Provinces This 111-page report details how ethnic Malay Muslim insurgents, who view the government educational system as a symbol of Thai state oppression, have threatened and killed teachers, burned and bombed government schools, and spread terror among students and their parents.
Ressource Indice de Seguridad de Centros Educativos: Guía del evaluador de centros educativos seguros - Guatemala Siguiendo el formato del Índice de Seguridad Hospitalaria (ISH) de OPS/OMS, la “Guía del evaluador de centros educativos seguros” explica en detalle cada uno de los pasos para la aplicación de la lista de verificación que conduce a la obtención del índice de seguridad de centros educativos y se constituye en el documento de consulta básico para los evaluadores.
Ressource Guía Técnica para la planificación, diseño, construcción y mantenimiento de establecimientos seguros en la República de Panamá El presente documento pretende establecer unas recomendaciones mínimas para la realización de acciones directas de reducción de la vulnerabilidad sobre la infraestructura educativa existente y por construirse en Panamá, vinculada tanto a amenazas de origen natural como las de origen antropogénico.
Ressource Too Often in Silence: A Report on School-Based Violence in West and Central Africa This report discusses school violence in West and Central Africa and finds that over half of primary school children were victims of corporal punishment in schools. The report also highlights that children with disabilities and those displaced by conflict are particularly at risk of school-based violence.
Ressource The Education Cluster in Haiti: Two Years On Throughout 2011, the Haiti Education Cluster continued to leverage resources to enhance cholera prevention and the recovery of the education system from the impact of the earthquake, while supporting the Government of Haiti to strengthen the capacity of the education system, including developing mechanisms to prevent, prepare for and respond to future emergencies.