Ressource Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Reduction into National and Sectoral Development Process The RCC Program on Mainstreaming disaster risk reduction into development (RCC MDRC) looks into building capacity for mainstreaming disaster risk reduction (DRR) into development policy, planning and implementation.
Ressource Oshikoto Region, Namibia Flood Contingency Plan (2009-2010) Oshikoto region is exposed to many hazards that include hydrometeor logical hazards particularly floods droughts and wild fires as well as epidemiological hazards mostly acute watery diarrhea and malaria outbreaks.
Ressource Omusati Region, Namibia Flood Contingency Plan In recent years the Region has be prone to recurrent droughts, floods, and veldt fires, human and animal diseases. The Cuvelai ecological area of the Region is characterized by thousands of shallow drainage channels locally known as oshanas. Flooding of the oshanas in the Cuvelai normally occurs after heavy local rains or good rainfalls in the highlands of neighboring Angola.
Ressource Ohangwena Region, Namibia Flood Contingency Plan (2009-2010) Ohangwena region borders Angola on the northern part, Kavango region in the east, Oshana and Oshikoto regions in the west and south respectively. Recent disaster trends show that the frequency and severity of disaster occurrence in the region is on the increase. Communities get out of drought direct into flooding and epidemic diseases cross-cut periods of other disaster occurrences.
Ressource Children on the Frontline: Children and Young People in Disaster Risk Reduction Plan and World Vision argue that children, who represent 50% of the world's population, can and do play invaluable roles in planning and implementing disaster risk reduction (DRR) and climate change adaptation activities. In spite of this evidence, children are, by and large, excluded from the activities that contribute to building the resilience of their local communities.
Ressource UNISDR Terminology on Disaster Risk Reduction The UNISDR Terminology aims to promote common understanding and common usage of disaster risk reduction concepts and to assist the disaster risk reduction efforts of authorities, practitioners and the public
Ressource Earthquakes: Are you Prepared? Poster Building the resilience of the education sector to disasters. Poster on what to do in an earthquake.
Ressource Original INEE Training Package Adaptation: Early Reconstruction This is an adaptation of the initial Zamborra background note in the original training package (sessions on assessment, design, monitoring and evaluation) and related roles with a focus on early reconstruction phase of an emergency. These roles were developed by the consultant who created the original INEE training materials.
Ressource Escuela segura en territorio seguro: Reflexiones sobre el papel de la comunidad educativa Documento dirigido a autoridades, docentes, técnicos e instituciones de cooperación que trabajan en temas de reducción del riesgo en el sector educativo, para generar la reflexión sobre qué es una escuela segura.
Ressource ¿Cómo sensibilizar a los jóvenes sobre la preparación ante desastres?: Capitalización de la experiencia - Bolivia El objetivo de este documento es recuperar experiencias y conocimientos aprendidos a través del proyecto DIPECHO "Apoyando la preparación ante desastres en el Alto" en Bolivia, facilitar el acceso a esta información, socializar la información recopilada con grupos de interés y contribuir a la superación de dificultades con base en experiencias concretas.