Ressource School Code of Conduct Teacher Training Manual The School Code of Conduct (SCOC) training programme is designed to be used by Save the Children education staff to enable teachers and education personnel to implement governmental Teachers’ Codes of Conduct (TCOC) in schools. The training content relates to development and emergency contexts; to immediate and post conflict settings; and in response to natural disasters.
Ressource No Class: When Armed Groups Use Schools in the Central African Republic Based on interviews in November 2016 and January 2017 with over 40 people this report documents the occupation of schools for military purposes, such as for barracks or bases. Further, the report outlines how abuses by fighters in and around schools are threatening the safety of students and teachers, as well as children’s ability to learn.
Ressource A Rigorous Review of Global Research Evidence on School-Related Gender-Based Violence This rigorous literature review was commissioned by UNICEF, with the aim of examining research evidence on approaches to addressing school-related gender-based violence (SRGBV). While the scope of the review was global, an emphasis was placed on research in low- and middle-income countries.
Ressource Addressing School-Related Gender-Based Violence is Critical for Safe Learning Environment Crises, conflict and displacement lead to heightened insecurities – physical, psychological, social and financial -- for affected populations including refugees. The breakdown of family and community support systems and high levels of stress and trauma magnify pre-existing levels of violence and conflict within families and in schools.
Ressource Safe Spaces: The Urgent Need for Early Childhood Development in Emergencies and Disasters This Theirworld report looks at the urgent need for Safe Spaces in emergencies – places where babies, young children and their caregivers can get support to counter the negative impacts of crisis situations on children’s growth and development. The report warns the international community is neglecting millions of vulnerable babies and young children affected by conflicts and disasters.
Ressource Community engagement to strengthen social cohesion and child protection in Chad and Burundi This participatory research study from Burundi and Chad reports how youth, women and elders can contribute to strengthening both child protection and social cohesion.
Ressource The Communities Care programme: changing social norms to end violence against women and girls While significant progress has been made in recent years in responding to violence against women and girls in humanitarian contexts, timely and quality care and support to survivors still remains a challenge. Little is known about effective prevention. Few interventions have targeted underlying drivers of violence against women and girls (VAWG), which include social norms.
Ressource Global guidance on addressing school-related gender-based violence The “Global guidance” provides key information to governments, policy-makers, teachers, practitioners, and civil society who wish to take concrete action against school-related gender-based violence. It introduces approaches, methodologies, tools, and resources that have shown positive results in preventing and responding to school-related gender-based violence.
Ressource Orientaciones Internacionales para Abordar la Violencia de Género en el ámbito Escolar Estas Orientaciones tienen como objetivo proporcionar un recurso integral y único sobre la violencia de género en el ámbito escolar, incluyendo orientaciones operativas claras y basadas en el conocimiento, diversos estudios de caso tomados de ejemplos de prácticas prometedoras y herramientas recomendadas para el sector de educación y sus asociados que trabajan para eliminar la violencia de género.
Ressource Orientations mondiales en matière de lutte contre la violence de genre en milieu scolaire Ce document d’orientation se veut une ressource centralisée, unique et complète sur la violence de genre en milieu scolaire. Il comporte des orientations claires et fondées sur la connaissance, ainsi que diverses études de cas tirés d’exemples de pratiques prometteuses, et des outils recommandés pour le secteur de l’éducation et ses partenaires engagés dans la lutte contre la violence fondée sur le genre.