Domain 1: Foundational Standards for a Quality Response

The foundational standards presented in this domain are essential to providing a quality education response that is both holistic and accountable to the people and communities it supports. These standards are considered foundational because they cover the key elements that should be present at all levels and in all types of education programming, and in all aspects of a response.

Ressources complémentaires
1 mars 2024 Manuel/Guide
CHS Alliance, le Groupe URD

Norme humanitaire fondamentale de qualité et de redevabilité

La Norme humanitaire fondamentale de qualité et de redevabilité (CHS) énonce neuf engagements visant à garantir que les organisations soutiennent les personnes et les communautés en situation de crise et de vulnérabilité d’une manière qui respecte leurs droits et leur dignité et qui promeut leur rôle premier dans la recherche de solutions face aux crises auxquelles elles sont confrontées.

17 décembre 2013 Policy Document Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC)

The Centrality of Protection in Humanitarian Action

This statement affirms the commitment of the IASC Principals to ensuring the centrality of protection in humanitarian action and the role of Humanitarian Coordinators, Humanitarian Country Teams and Clusters to implement this commitment in all aspects of humanitarian action. It is part of a number of measures that are meant to ensure more effective protection of people in humanitarian crises.