Recurso CP-EiE Collaboration – Key Considerations during the COVID-19 crisis This paper highlights steps to enhance CP-EiE collaboration, around the Humanitarian Programme Cycle. This guide provides a non-exhaustive list of minimum suggested actions and tips for collaboration between the two sectors.
Evento Supporting Teachers in Crisis Contexts during COVID-19 The fifth webinar of the series will focus on supporting teachers in crisis contexts during COVID-19 and will be held in collaboration with the International Task Force on Teachers for Education 2030 (TTF) and Education International.
Evento Advocating for EiE during the COVID-19 pandemic The seventh webinar of the series will focus on Education in Emergencies advocacy during COVID-19.
Blog Emergency teaching online: 7 steps to get started This post is part 2 on emergency learning online during the coronavirus pandemic. The first post focused on platforms and content, while this one focuses on preparing teachers and learners, instruction, and assessment.
Blog توقف التعليم ولكن يجب الاستمرار في التعلم توصيات للحفاظ على سلامة الأطفال وتعلمهم، أثناء وبعد أزمة كوفيد-19
Blog Schooling has stopped, but learning must not Recommendations for keeping children safe and learning, during and after the COVID-19 crisis.
Blog La escolaridad se ha interrumpido, pero el aprendizaje no debe hacerlo Recomendaciones para mantener a los niños y niñas seguros y aprendiendo durante y después de la crisis de la COVID-19
Blog L’école s’arrête, mais les apprentissages ne doivent pas s’arrêter Recommandations pour assurer la sécurité et l’apprentissage des enfants pendant et après la crise COVID-19.
Blog A escolarização parou, mas a aprendizagem não pode parar Recomendações para assegurar que as crianças continuam a aprender de forma segura, durante e depois da crise provocada pelo COVID-19
Recurso يجب أن يستمر التعلم يساهم هذا المنشور المطور من منظمة إنقاذ الطفولة وبدعم من الشبكة المشتركة لوكالات التعليم في حالات الطوارئ وغيرها من الشركاء في التخفيف من أثر إغلاق المدارس وضمان قدرة الأطفال والشباب على الاستمرار في التعلم من خلال العمل والتنسيق وتوفير الموارد المناسبة.