Recurso Education in times of restriction: an examination of refugee girls’ and young women’s access to learning during COVID-19 school closures in Pakistan This paper examines the extent to which refugee girls and young women were able to access learning during COVID-19 education closures in Pakistan, and the role that EdTech played in their learning access.
Recurso How is Gender Equality Included in Education Sector Planning? An Analysis of Power, Voice, and Social Norm Change in Eight Sub-Saharan Countries The study looks at the political economy of education sector planning, zooming in on issues of power and voice, and seeks to answer the following questions: Are education sector planning processes including gender transformative ambitions and intentions? Who within the MoE has the power to push this gender agenda? How are civil society and other gender experts engaged within education planning?
Recurso Comment l'égalité de genre est-elle incluse dans la planification du secteur de l'éducation ? Une analyse du pouvoir, de la voix et de l'évolution des normes sociales dans 8 pays subsahariens L'étude se penche sur l'économie politique de la planification du secteur de l'éducation, en mettant l'accent sur les questions de pouvoir et de voix, et cherche à répondre aux questions suivantes : Les processus de planification du secteur de l'éducation incluent-ils des ambitions et des intentions de transformation du genre ? Qui, au sein du ministère de l'éducation, a le pouvoir d'imposer cet ordre du jour en matière de genre ? Comment la société civile et les autres experts en matière de genre sont-ils engagés dans la planification de l'éducation ?
Recurso Pathways to Education for Afghan Women and Girls The Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security hosted four high-level expert discussions with various stakeholders––from underground school administrators, nonprofit directors, media groups, and government officials––to identify practical pathways forward for inclusive and quality education in Afghanistan.
Recurso Delivering on our Ambition to Advance Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women and Girls It is a strategic document for ECW Secretariat staff and First Emergency Response and Multi-year Resilience Programmes (MYRP) partners to design, implement, monitor and evaluate gender-equitable investments. It provides minimum standards for gender-responsive First Emergency Responses and gender-transformative MYRP investments and for gender integration across ECW's thematic priorities.
Recurso Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women and Girls: Policy and Accountability Framework 2023-2026 The purpose of the policy is to guide the Education Cannot Wait Secretariat to make Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women and Girls (GEEWG), in and through education in emergencies and protracted crisis, a core principle in all aspects of its work.
Recurso Diagnostic tools for improving education policy planning: a case study on Yemen girls dropout in primary education in emergencies This case study focuses on the school completion of girls in primary education in public schools at the ages of 6–14. The research focuses on the population at large for the school period of 2014–2018. Based on the data and using the pathways of the decision tree, the analysis found that the war led to decreased enrolment rates and completion rates
Recurso Understanding Gender Beyond the Binaries This YP Foundation handbook is a useful resource for young development sector practitioners, activists, students, researchers, or anyone else with an interest to build their understanding on the basics of gender diversity.
Noticias L’UNESCO dédie la Journée internationale de l’éducation 2023 aux filles et femmes afghanes Audrey Azoulay, Directrice générale de l’UNESCO, a décidé de dédier la Journée internationale de l'éducation 2023 (24 janvier) aux filles et aux femmes afghanes. À l'occasion d'un événement organisé au siège de l'ONU, l'UNESCO renouvellera son appel à rétablir immédiatement leur droit fondamental à l'éducation.
Blog Le projet Éducation des filles pour un avenir meilleur (ÉDUFAM) Suivant une démarche holistique et féministe, ÉDUFAM met en œuvre des approches innovantes au niveau individuel, du ménage, de l’école et de la communauté pour toucher plus de 22 000 filles, adolescentes et femmes en République démocratique du Congo, au Rwanda, et au Burundi.