Recurso Key Advocacy Messages for Youth Education in Environments of Crisis and Fragility This document contains the three key messages, which resulted from the INEE-RET Round Table - Youth Education 2015 and Beyond, which took place on the 15 October 2013.
Recurso Mensajes claves de sensibilización para la educación de los jóvenes en entornos de crisis y de fragilidad Estos mensajes claves resumen los puntos de vista y las preocupaciones expresadas durante la Mesa Redonda INEE/RET del 15 de octubre 2013 “La Educación de la Juventud 2015 y más allá – Estableciendo Prioridades”.
Recurso Messages clés de sensibilisation pour l’éducation des jeunes dans les environnements fragiles et en contextes de crises Les messages clés suivants résument les connaissances et les préoccupations partagées durant la Table Ronde INEE/RET du 15 octobre 2013 «L’Education des jeunes dans des environnements fragiles 2015 et au-delà – Définir les priorités ».
Recurso Mensagens-chave de sensibilização sobre a Educação dos/as Jovens em contextos de Crise e Fragilidade This document contains the three key messages, which resulted from the INEE-RET Round Table - Youth Education 2015 and Beyond, which took place on theO presente documento resume a visão e as preocupações expressadas na Mesa redonda promovida pela INEE e pela RET, em outubro de 2013, com o título: “Definindo Prioridades para a Educação de Jovens até 2015 e no futuro”. 15 October 2013.
Recurso Reshaping the International Education Agenda to Include Youth in Situations of Fragility and Crisis This position paper outlines how the post-2015 goals are being shaped, it identifies the progress already made in relation to youth education in fragility and crisis and highlights the remaining gaps. Its purpose was to lay the foundations for the discussions held during the INEE-RET Round Table held on 15 October 2013.
Recurso A Review for NORAD: Education in Fragile Situations This report to provide a synthesis of key concepts, current practice and actors in the area of education and fragility and an analysis of Norway’s contribution to the field, with the aim of informing future practices and positioning.
Recurso A New Agenda for Education in Fragile States We hope it serves as a comprehensive introduction to the topic for those coming to this issue for the first time as well as provides new insights for those already actively engaged in the subject. The arguments we make here are based on evidence developed
Recurso Education Development Post 2015: Reflecting, Reviewing, and Revisioning Education Development Post 2015: Reflecting, Reviewing, and Revisioning (UKFIET Conference Report). This paper explores how the ministries of education in Haiti, Palestine and South Sudan have planned for the crises affecting their countries, and examines how agencies such as IIEP, INEE and UNICEF have developed different methodologies in support.
Recurso Roundtable Report & Concept Note: Health and Education in Conflict-Affected and Fragile Contexts The objective of this Roundtable Discussion was to identify the gaps in collaboration and possible types of collaboration between the health and education sectors around shared issues in conflict-affected and fragile contexts in the post-2015 world.
Recurso Rebuilding resilience in a changing world: Conflict and crisis sensitive approaches to planning and programming for education systems In this symposium, senior policy makers from ministries of education will first explore good practices and remaining challenges to integrating crisis-sensitivity and disaster risk reduction into their education systems.