Key Advocacy Messages for Youth Education in Environments of Crisis and Fragility

This document contains the three key messages, which resulted from the INEE-RET Round Table - Youth Education 2015 and Beyond, which took place on the 15 October 2013. Twenty-three  experts from 16 organisations, engaged in youth education such as UNESCO, the Global Education Cluster, UNHCR, INEE or the Youth Advocacy Group of the Education First Initiative, convened in RET’s offices in Geneva INEE and RET organised this event driven by the necessity to improve advocacy on youth education in fragile contexts. For any form of advocacy to be efficient, it is essential to agree on a common set of priorities, which was the goal of the event. During the month following the Round Table, a consultation process with the participants resulted in these three short messages designed to be clear and concise tools for future advocacy. This two-page document offers a solid base for any concerned organisation or individual engaged in advocacy efforts for youth education in fragile contexts.

Resource Info

Resource Type

Advocacy Statement


Published by

Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE), RET International


Adolescents and Youth
Education and Fragility