Recurso Arts in education during COVID-19: Illustrating the value of creativity and adaptability This webinar - part of our COIVD-19 webinar series - highlighted how EiE practitioners can harness the arts to enhance the COVID-19 response.
Recurso Building back equal: Girls back to school guide The guide provides targeted inputs to ensure continuity of learning during school closures, and comprehensive, timely and evidence-based plans for reopening schools in a way that is safe, gender-responsive and child-friendly, and meets the needs of the most marginalised girls
Recurso Reforzar la igualdad: Guía para el regreso de las niñas a la escuela La guía proporciona información específica para garantizar la continuidad del aprendizaje durante los cierres escolares, así como planes integrales, oportunos y fundados en datos empíricos para reabrir escuelas de forma segura, con perspectiva de género, adaptada a las necesidades de los niños, y que satisfaga las necesidades de las niñas más marginadas.
Recurso Reconstruire l’égalité : Guide de rescolarisation des filles Le guide fournit des contributions ciblées pour assurer la continuité de l’apprentissage pendant les fermetures d’écoles ainsi que des plans complets et opportuns basés sur les données pour rouvrir les écoles de manière sûre, en tenant compte des questions de genre, ainsi qu’en répondant aux besoins des enfants et des filles les plus marginalisées.
Evento COVID-19: Solutions for pre-primary education This web event, part of our COVID-19 webinar series and hosted jointly with UNICEF, will be a follow-on to the June 11 event, Responding to the Crisis of Care and Learning: ECD and COVID-19
Evento Seminário on-line: Não deixar ninguém para trás em tempos de pandemia da COVID-19 Este Seminário pretendeu dar a conhecer o Guia Retorno Seguro à Escola, enquanto ferramenta de orientação prática para os atores do setor educativo no contexto de abertura segura dos espaços educativos. Dirigiu-se a profissionais do terreno que trabalham na resposta educativa, em Ministérios de Educação, Sistemas de Proteção e outros setores chave na reabertura de escolas.
Recurso Learning through play during COVID-19 This web event — part of our COVID-19 webinar series — highlighted how EiE practitioners can use “learning through play” approaches during COVID-19 response and recovery.
Recurso COVID-19: How prepared are global education systems for future crises? This research brief is one of a series exploring the effects of COVID-19 on education. It focuses on how school closures affect children and the resiliency of education systems to respond to such disruptions and mitigate their effects
Recurso COVID-19: How are Countries Preparing to Mitigate the Learning Loss as Schools Reopen? Trends and emerging good practices to support the most vulnerable children Using data from two surveys and 164 countries, this research brief describes the educational strategies countries are putting into place, or plan to, in order to mitigate learning impacts of extended school closures, particularly for the most vulnerable children.
Recurso Policy Brief: Education during COVID-19 and beyond In order to mitigate the potentially devastating consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, governments and stakeholders are encouraged to pursue the policy responses outlined in this Brief.