Recurso Disability-inclusive Education in Emergencies: Key concepts, approaches, and principles for practice This report defines and clarifies key concepts and terminology for disability-inclusive education in emergencies (EiE) and provides seven guiding principles. It is meant to be used as a companion piece to the INEE Minimum Standards and to support stakeholders’ efforts to be more intentional in their design, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of disability-inclusive EiE interventions.
Recurso Always Included: Uninterrupted education for children with disabilities before, during, and after a crisis Building on a number of case-studies, testimonies, data, as well as considerations from key informant’s interviews, this report illustrates how education systems need to become more inclusive for children and youth with disabilities and, at the same time, more resilient to cope with crises and to ensure education in all settings and circumstances.
Recurso Inclure en toutes circonstances : Une éducation sans interruption pour les enfants handicapés avant, pendant et après une crise L'objectif de l'étude était de comprendre les défis et les opportunités de l'éducation inclusive pour les enfants handicapés dans ces circonstances difficiles et ces contextes de crise.
Recurso Humanitarian Hands-on Tool Practical advice on making humanitarian action accessible and inclusive for persons with disabilities. Once downloaded, HHoT works without an internet connection.
Recurso Humanitarian Hands-on Tool Humanitarian Hands-on Tool, conocida como HHoT, está diseñada para cubrir este vacío y ofrece instrucciones prácticas, claras y detalladas a las personas que trabajan en terreno. Esto no solo hará que su trabajo sea más accesible para las personas con discapacidad sino que incluirá a otros grupos que resultan marginados como las personas mayores, y no excluirá a nadie.
Recurso Humanitarian Hands-on Tool Conseils pratiques étape par étape sur le travail humanitaire inclusif sur le terrain. HHoT est conçu pour fonctionner sans connexion Internet.
Recurso Disability-Inclusive EiE Resources Mapping and Gap Analysis The document maps existing work on inclusive education and disability-inclusive education in emergencies by collecting existing tools, frameworks, policy and advocacy resources, and more, and presenting them in a repository of resources. The gap analysis report captures the findings from the resource mapping and the survey conducted with INEE members.
Recurso Disability Data in Schools: Testing the Child Functioning Module – Teacher Version (CFM-TV) in Emergency and Protracted Crises This study, conducted by Humanity & Inclusion with the support of Education Cannot Wait (ECW), investigated the use of the Child Functioning Module – Teacher Version (CFM-TV) in challenging contexts. The CFM-TV is a tool designed to assess the functional difficulties of students through teacher evaluations.
Recurso Attention à l’écart 3 : Équité et inclusion dans et par l’éducation des filles en situations de crises Ce rapport résume les progrès, les lacunes, les défis et les opportunités dans l’amélioration de l’éducation et de la formation pour les filles et les femmes touchées par les crises et les conflits. Ce rapport suit les progrès depuis le rapport Attention à l’écart 2 et met en lumière les thématiques suivantes : le recrutement et la rétention des enseignantes, les filles vivant avec un handicap et l'éducation inclusive sensible au genre, et l'éducation à la santé et aux droits sexuels et reproductifs (SDSR) en situations d'urgence.
Recurso Mind the Gap 3: Equity and Inclusion in and through Girls' Education in Crisis This report summarizes progress, gaps, challenges and opportunities in improving education and training for girls and women affected by conflict and crisis. This report monitors progress since the Mind the Gap 2 report, and highlights the following thematic areas: recruiting and retaining female teachers, girls with disabilities and gender-responsive inclusive education, and sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) education in emergencies.