Recurso Looking at Play Through the Eyes of Rohingya Children in Cox’s Bazar Our data show that Rohingya children demonstrate a tremendous amount of spontaneous and creative activity in their everyday lives, despite the many challenges in the Cox’s Bazar camps. This brief provides fresh perspectives into the remarkable resilience and creativity these young children possess.
Recurso Education for Life: Impact of COVID-19 Research Brief This brief synthesizes virtual interviews conducted with accelerated education teachers in Palabek refugee settlement, Uganda, and Juba, South Sudan as well as implementing partners during the disruptions caused by the health pandemic. The brief captures teachers’ and practitioners’ perceptions of the pandemic’s influence on learners and how the COVID-19 health pandemic influenced AE teachers’ professional and personal lives and experiences (e.g. roles, responsibilities, relationships, etc.).
Recurso سد الفجوة: دعم قاعدة الأدلة المتعلقة بالتعليم في حالات الطوارئ المستجيب للنوع الاجتماعي يسلّط هذا الملخص الضوء على الثغرات الرئيسية في قاعدة الأدلة حول النوع الاجتماعي والتعليم في حالات الطوارئ، ويقدم التوجيه الاستراتيجي والمحتوى المواضيعي لمبادرات الأبحاث الجديدة.
Recurso Bridging the Gap: Strengthening the Evidence Base for Gender-Responsive Education in Emergencies This brief highlights key gaps in the evidence base on gender and EiE and provides strategic guidance and thematic content for new research initiatives focused on gender and EiE.
Recurso Cerrando la brecha: Fortalecimiento de la base de evidencias para la educación con perspectiva de género en situaciones de emergencia Este informe destaca las principales lagunas en la base de evidencias sobre género y EeE, y proporciona orientación estratégica y contenido temático para las nuevas iniciativas de investigación.
Recurso Resserrer l’écart : Renforcer la base de données probantes pour une éducation tenant compte du genre dans les situations d'urgence Ce document met en évidence les principales lacunes de la base de données probantes sur le genre et l'ESU et fournit une orientation stratégique et un contenu thématique pour les nouvelles initiatives de recherche axées sur le genre et l'ESU.
Recurso Preencher a Lacuna: Reforçar a Base de Evidências para a Educação Sensível ao Género em Situações de Emergência Este documento destaca as principais lacunas na base de evidências sobre género e EeE e oferece orientação estratégica e conteúdo temático para novas iniciativas de pesquisa.
Recurso Preventing a Lost Generation in Ukraine: Recommendations for Supporting Education in Emergency Humanitarian Response This brief is prepared to provide recommendations on promising and practical approaches to support education during the acute crisis period in Ukraine and to mitigate the impacts of the Russian invasion on children’s learning and wellbeing.
Evento Measurement for what? Developing measurement tools for the EiE sector The webinar will highlight the importance of measurement tools to inform programming as well as provide a space for researchers and practitioners to reflect on the measurement tool development process.
Recurso مؤشر العودة للمدارس يعد «مؤشر العودة للمدارس» مشروع يستخدم البيانات العامة من أجل تصميم منصة تفاعلية توفر الدعم والإرشادات من أجل إدارة فتح وغلق 140,000 مدرسة حكومية وخاصة في المكسيك.