Bridging the Gap: Strengthening the Evidence Base for Gender-Responsive Education in Emergencies

This brief was developed by the INEE Gender Task Team in response to global calls for more and better data and evidence on gender-responsive EiE. The brief draws from findings of the 2021 and 2022 editions of the INEE Mind the Gap report on the state of girls’ education in emergencies, and from consultations with gender and education experts.

The objectives of this brief are:

  • To highlight key gaps in the evidence base on gender and EiE
  • To provide strategic guidance and thematic content for new research initiatives focused on gender and EiE
  • To promote collaborative action and knowledge-sharing among key actors working on gender and EiE

Resource Info

Bridging the Gap advocacy brief cover, image of a young woman in a blue uniform in a classroom writing in a book

Resource Type

Advocacy Brief


Published by

Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)


Research and Evidence