
The INEE Blog is an open space for sharing opinions, resources, developments, and discussions on topics relevant to education in emergencies. It is a place to engage the INEE community and raise awareness about issues important to our field of work. INEE publishes blog posts in Arabic, English, French, Portuguese, and Spanish.

To submit content for consideration, please contact [email protected].

Note: The opinions expressed in the blog posts included here are those of the respective authors; they do not necessarily reflect the opinions of INEE or its members.

Stories: Global Higher Education at the Margins during a Global Pandemic

Written by
Melissa Hauber-Özer via Jesuit Worldwide Learning
Published by
Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)

This story from Jesuit Worldwide Learning was collected as part of INEE's 20th Anniversary commemoration to highlight how education in the midst of crisis and upheaval has made a difference for our members and those they work with (learners, youth, teachers, caregivers, etc.).

Stories: The New School Year and Relief International’s Commitment to Vulnerable Afghan Students - Iran

Written by
Samira Faridmanesh via Relief International
Published by
Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)

This story from Relief International was collected as part of INEE's 20th Anniversary commemoration to highlight how education in the midst of crisis and upheaval has made a difference for our members and those they work with (learners, youth, teachers, caregivers, etc.).

Stories: Building Teacher Capacity - Training Teachers to be Resilient, Adaptable, and Ambitious - South Sudan

Written by
Victoria Pendry via Curriculum Foundation
Published by
Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)

This story of the Curriculum Foundation's work with teachers in South Sudan, was collected as part of INEE's 20th Anniversary commemoration to highlight how education in the midst of crisis and upheaval has made a difference for our members and those they work with (learners, youth, teachers, caregivers, etc.).

Stories: Supporting Girls in their Pursuit of Education - Stories' from the Girls Education Challenge - Kenya & Uganda

Written by
Elisabetta Naborri via Girls' Education Challenge
Published by
Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)

These stories of three girls and their pursuit of educaiton in Uganda and Kenya were collected as part of INEE's 20th Anniversary commemoration to highlight how education in the midst of crisis and upheaval has made a difference for our members and those they work with (learners, youth, teachers, caregivers, etc.).

Stories: A Zimbabwean girl’s story during COVID-19 induced school break - Harare, Zimbabwe

Written by
Memory Mandikiana
Published by
Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)

This story of a youth living in Zimbabwe during the COVID-19 lockdown, was collected as part of INEE's 20th Anniversary commemoration to highlight how education in the midst of crisis and upheaval has made a difference for our members and those they work with (learners, youth, teachers, caregivers, etc.).

Stories: Why governments need to provide education during and after conflicts and/or disasters - Malawi

Written by
Emily Buyaki via Forum for African Women Educationalists
Published by
Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)

This story from the Forum for African Women Educationalists was collected as part of INEE's 20th Anniversary commemoration to highlight how education in the midst of crisis and upheaval has made a difference for our members and those they work with (learners, youth, teachers, caregivers, etc.).

Standardizing Professional Development in the Education in Emergencies Sector

Written by
Jeffrey Dow, Susan Hirsch-Ayari
Published by
Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)

To address a lack of standardization in recruitment and professional development activities in the education in emergencies (EiE) sector, INEE has developed a new EiE Competency Framework. The Framework harmonizes EiE competencies and skills for practitioners in a clear, transparent and user-friendly format.

Stories: An Asylum Seeker's experience of education in the United Kingdom - UK

Written by
Jáfia Naftali Câmara
Published by
Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)

This story of Maria, an asylum seeked in the UK, was collected as part of INEE's 20th Anniversary commemoration to highlight how education in the midst of crisis and upheaval has made a difference for our members and those they work with (learners, youth, teachers, caregivers, etc.).

Stories: Promoting Inclusive Education and Early Childhood Care and Development for Burundian Refugee Youth - Tanzania

Written by
Lugano Maclean 
Published by
Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)

This story from BABAWATOTO organization in Burundi, was collected as part of INEE's 20th Anniversary commemoration to highlight how education in the midst of crisis and upheaval has made a difference for our members and those they work with (learners, youth, teachers, caregivers, etc.).

Supporting FAWE Scholars through the COVID-19 Pandemic

Written by
Julie Khamati, FAWE
Published by
Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)

With record numbers of children and youth out of school as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, and education programmes impacted by school closures, travel bans, and lockdowns, Forum for African Women Educationalists (FAWE) has had to adapt its programming to support Scholars virtually.