الموارد Lessons in War 2015: Military Use of Schools and Universities during Armed Conflict This study is an update to one released by the Global Coalition to Protect Education from Attack (GCPEA) in 2012. Evidence was gathered on the nature, scope and consequences of the use of education institutions by armed forces during the period from January 2005 to March 2015.
الموارد Monitoring and Reporting to Enhance the Protection of Education in Situations of Insecurity and Conflict The Columbia Group for Children in Adversity (CGCA) out of Columbia University’s Program on Forced Migration and Health (hereafter “Columbia University”) was contracted to conduct in-depth studies of attacks on education in South Kivu province, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and Mogadishu, Somalia in an attempt to fill some of these information gaps and contribute to the development of improved methodologies for monitoring and responding to such attacks.
الموارد Education Under Attack 2014 This resource is part of a collection of resources compiled by UNICEF’s 2012-2016 Peacebuilding, Education and Advocacy Programme (PBEA), known as "Learning for Peace", which was funded by the Government of the Netherlands.
الموارد L’éducation prise pour cible 2014 Une étude mondiale relative aux menaces ou au recours délibéré à la force à l’encontre des élèves, des enseignants, des universitaires, des fonctionnaires et syndicalistes de l’éducation, des travailleurs humanitaires et d’autres membres du personnel de l’éducation, et contre des écoles, des universités et d’autres établissements éducatifs.
الموارد Protecting Education Personnel from Targeted Attack in Conflict-Affected Countries The paper addresses the scope and nature of attacks on education personnel and the range of measures put in place to protect them. Many of the measures have not been formally evaluated. Additional research is needed to understand the dynamics of attacks on teachers and how to most effectively protect teachers.
الموارد The Role of Communities in Protecting Education from Attack: Lessons Learned This study examines how organizations supporting education programs have engaged communities to protect schools, students, and teachers in countries experiencing attacks on education.
الموارد Too Often in Silence: A Report on School-Based Violence in West and Central Africa This report discusses school violence in West and Central Africa and finds that over half of primary school children were victims of corporal punishment in schools. The report also highlights that children with disabilities and those displaced by conflict are particularly at risk of school-based violence.
الموارد Trop souvent en silence - Rapport sur la violence en milieu scolaire en Afrique de l'Ouest et du Centre Cette publication a été conçue et développée conjointement par l’UNICEF, Plan Afrique de l’Ouest, Save the Children Suède Afrique de l’Ouest et ActionAid dans le cadre de leurs efforts communs pour mettre fin à toute forme de violence contre les enfants – en milieu scolaire, familles et communautés.
الموارد Education Under Attack 2010 In view of the gaps in knowledge and information about attacks on education and about how education can be protected from attack, UNESCO has commissioned a series of publications to research and analyse these issues. Its aim is to enhance global understanding of the nature, scope, motives and impact of attacks on education and of the work that is being done by communities, organizations and governments to prevent and respond to such violence.
الموارد Protecting Education from Attack: State of the Art Review This accompanying publication to the 2010 edition of Education under Attack presents key discussion points and 13 papers written by researchers and practitioners active in the field of protecting education from attack.