الموارد Introduction to SEL Workshop Packet: Facilitation Guide This manual supports the delivery of four introductory workshops that focus on Quality Holistic Learning in crisis contexts through social and emotional learning. The training is organized in 4 interactive workshops.
الموارد Ateliers d’introduction à l’apprentissage socio-émotionnel: Guide du facilitateur Ce manuel soutient la prestation de quatre ateliers d’introduction qui se concentrent sur l’apprentissage holistique de qualité dans des contextes de crise grâce à l’apprentissage social et émotionnel. La formation est organisée en 4 ateliers interactifs.
الموارد حزمة ورشة عمل التعلم العاطفي الاجتماعي: مساحات التعلم This material supports the Learning Spaces section of the Introduction to Social and Emotional Learning Workshop, delivered by the Quality Holistic Learning Project.
حدث Building Resilience in Crises through Education: Findings and Lessons Learned in DRC, Ethiopia, Niger, Somalia, South Sudan, Tanzania, and Uganda This webinar is the culmination of over 4 years of programming and research on the well-being of teachers and students, their capacity to teach and learn in difficult contexts, and their resilience in the face of multiple challenges. Practitioners and researchers will present short presentations about the overall scope of their programmatic work and research in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Niger, Somalia, South Sudan, Tanzania, and Uganda.
حدث Renforcer la résilience dans les crises par l'éducation : Résultats et leçons apprises en RDC, en Éthiopie, au Niger, en Somalie, au Sud-Soudan, en Tanzanie et en Ouganda Ce webinaire est l’aboutissement de plus de 4 ans de programmation et de recherche sur le bien-être des enseignants et des élèves, leur capacité à enseigner et à apprendre dans des contextes difficiles, et leur résilience face à de multiples défis.
الموارد Preventing a Lost Generation in Ukraine: Recommendations for Supporting Education in Emergency Humanitarian Response This brief is prepared to provide recommendations on promising and practical approaches to support education during the acute crisis period in Ukraine and to mitigate the impacts of the Russian invasion on children’s learning and wellbeing.
الموارد Social service workers in schools: Their role in addressing violence against children and other child protection concerns This technical note broadly defines the scope of services that the social service workforce, if sufficiently resourced and supported, could provide working in or with schools. It also outlines the multi-agency child protection services in or linked to schools that governments and ministries of education should support in order to uphold children’s right to learning and protection from violence.
الموارد How Cognitive and Psychosocial Difficulties Affect Learning Outcomes: A Study of Primary School Children in Syria In a study of 7,191 Syrian children, authors Grace Anyaegbu, Caroline Carney, Holly-Jane Howell, Alaa Zaza, and Abdulkader Alaeddin report lower literacy levels among children with one cognitive or psychosocial difficulty (as determined by the Washington Group Questions). Children with two or more such difficulties were less likely to progress as far on an eight-milestone literacy pathway.
الموارد الاهتمام والرعاية والإدامج: استخدام البيانات لتسليط الضوء على عافية الاطفال ذوي الاعاقة باستخدام أحدث البيانات المتاحة، تغطي النشرة أكثر من 60 مؤشرًا لرفاه الأطفال - من التغذية والصحة، إلى الوصول إلى المياه والصرف الصحي، والحماية من العنف والاستغلال، والتعليم. يشمل التقرير أيضًا التقديرات العالمية والإقليمية الأولى من نوعها للأطفال ذوي الإعاقة.
الموارد Seen, Counted, Included: Using data to shed light on the well-being of children with disabilities Using the latest available data, the publication covers more than 60 indicators of child well-being – from nutrition and health, to access to water and sanitation, protection from violence and exploitation, and education. The report also includes the first-ever global and regional estimates of children with disabilities.