الموارد Starting Up Child Centered Spaces in Emergencies: A Field Manual This approach engages communities to create safe spaces for children and youth to play, socialize, learn, and express themselves in a caring, supportive and normalizing environment.
الموارد Child Protection in Emergencies: Priorities, Principles and Practices This document details both Save the Children's current perspective on the main protection dangers that children face in an emergency and how to address them.
الموارد Les Espaces amis des enfants : Manuel destiné au personnel de Save the Children Les Espaces Amis des Enfants qui constituent l’une des réponses de Save the Children aux situations d’urgence permettent de créer un environnement sécurisé pour les enfants qui leur permet de prendre part à des activités ludiques, de socialiser, d’apprendre et de s’exprimer au fur et à mesure qu’ils reconstruisent leur vie.
الموارد Kit of Tools for Participatory Research and Evaluation with Children, Young People and Adults Save the Children Norway has undertaken a two-year thematic evaluation and documentation of children’s participation in armed conflict, post conflict and peace building (2006-2008) in four countries: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Guatemala, Nepal and Uganda.
الموارد Children in Emergencies Manual This manual was written for staff who may be called upon to respond to the issues facing children in a humanitarian emergency. It provides practical tools and templates to plan responses; these also can be used for disaster preparedness. Some of the tools were developed or adapted from documents created by a number of child-focused NGOs and UN agencies.
الموارد The Psychosocial Care and Protection of Children in Emergencies: Teacher Training Manual In order to strengthen its efforts to promote psychosocial support within educational programming in emergencies, UNICEF has developed these teacher-training materials to promote greater understanding of the impact of and effective responses to the psychosocial impact of emergencies on learners.
الموارد حمـــايـــة الأطفال ضد الاستغلال والانتهاكات الجنسية فى ظل أوضاع الكوارث و الاحداث الطارئه يدور محور هذا الدليل الارشادي آما يتضح من العنوان، حول آيفية حماية الأطفال من الانتهاكات الجنسية والإستغلال الجنسى، خاصه فى ظروف الكوارث و الأزمات الطارئه يعد هذا الدليل مرجعا مفيدا لجممع العاملين و المشتغلين بصوره مباشره فى هذا المجال
الموارد Protecting Children from Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Violence in Disaster and Emergency Situations: A Guide for Local and Community Based Organizations The promotion and protection of children's rights has been a fundamental aspect of the international human rights system. This manual centers on how to protect children from sexual violence and sexual exploitation, specifically in disaster and emergency situations.
الموارد The Role of Education in Protecting Children in Conflict This paper argues for a reappraisal of the position of education in emergency programming.
الموارد The Impact of Armed Conflict on Children In the study, the expert proposes the elements of a comprehensive agenda for action by Member States and the international community to improve the protection and care of children in conflict situations, and to prevent these conflicts from occurring.