الموارد Creating Healing Classrooms Included are a collection of guides and tools that were created and piloted through the International Rescue Committee's (IRC) Healing Classrooms Initiative.
الموارد Guide to the Evaluation of PSS Programming in Humanitarian Crises UNICEF together with partners has developed this Inter-Agency Guide to the Evaluation of Psychosocial Programming in Humanitarian Crises to assist organizations working in the field of psychosocial support to think through key issues in planning and implementing an evaluation.
الموارد Orientation Seminar: Disseminate and Implement IASC Guidelines on MH and PSS in Emergency Settings This guide was developed to inform specific target audiences about the Inter Agency Standing Committee (IASC) Guidelines on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Emergency Settings. The design follows six parts: 1) Assessment 2) Goals 3) Seminar Step-by-step 4) Monitoring of learning during the seminar 5) Evaluation and 6) Reading and Handouts.
الموارد A Practical Guide for Developing Child Friendly Spaces This guide is designed to assist UNICEF staff and partners, in establishing and operating Child Friendly Spaces (CFS) in an emergency.
الموارد Psychosocial Support Resource Pack This module provides practical information, guidelines, examples and tools to support organisations and key actors to undertake psychosocial support to bring about positive change for children in humanitarian contexts.
الموارد Managing Stress in the Field This publication has been conceived as a practical manual. The different types of stress experienced by delegates are described along with the associated symptoms. It highlights the importance of identifying and knowing personal, team and organisational resources.
الموارد Psychosocial Interventions: A Handbook This handbook prepared by the International Federation Reference Centre for Psychosocial Support (the PS Centre) reflects the increasingly active role that the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement plays in psychosocial responses.
الموارد الضوابط الإرشادية للصحة العقلية والدعم (النفس - اجتماعي) في حالات الطوارئ إن الغرض الرئيس من هذه الضوابط الإرشادية هو تمكين الأطراف والمجتمعات المعنية بالشؤون الإنسانية من تخطيط، ووضع، وتنسيق مجموعة من الحدود الدنيا للاستجابات المتعددة القطاعات، بغرض حماية، وتحسين الصحة العقلية والمعافاة (النفس - اجتماعية) للأفراد في ظل حالات الطوارئ.
الموارد Guidelines on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Emergency Settings The Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) issued these Guidelines to enable humanitarian actors to plan, establish and coordinate a set of minimum multi-sectoral responses to protect and improve peoples mental health and psychosocial well-being in the midst of an emergency.
الموارد Guía del IASC sobre Salud Mental y Apoyo Psicosocial en Emergencias Humanitarias y Catástrofes El propósito fundamental de estas recomendaciones es posibilitar que las comunidades y quienes se acercan a ellas para prestan asistencia, establezcan, planifiquen, y coordinen un conjunto de respuestas multisectoriales mínimas para proteger y mejorar la salud mental y el bienestar psicosocial de las personas afectadas por una catástrofe.