الموارد Résumé du rapport: RDC forum de dialogue politique C'est la résumé du rapport sur le forum de dialogue politique sur l'éducation et la paix, organisé en RDC en Octobre 2012.
الموارد Peace Shining through the Sails This book moves from the awareness that peace is a deep need of all human beings and education to peaceful co-existence a priority.
الموارد Forum de dialogue politique sur l’éducation et la paix en République démocratique du Congo Le principal objectif du forum de dialogue politique était d’identifier les stratégies et politiques éducatives au niveau national, qui tiennent compte de la dimension conflit et qui contribuent au processus de consolidation de la paix, en conformité avec priorités nationales. C'est le rapport final du forum de dialogue politique.
الموارد Policy Dialogue Forum on Education and Peace in the Democratic Republic of Congo The overall purpose of the Policy Dialogue Forum was to identify national education policies and concrete strategies to be included in the Interim Education Sector Plan which are conflict-sensitive and which can contribute to peace-building processes in the country.
الموارد A Mapping Exercise: Training Programs for Teachers and Education Workers in the Field of Peacebuilding and Conflict-Transformation The aim of this research project is to gain an idea of the types of training programs available to and specifically geared towards teachers and education workers. This can be used as a point of departure to identify best practices in teachers training in the field of peace-building and conflict-transformation.
الموارد Education for Global Citizenship This book shows that transformative education for local, national and global citizenship and peace CAN be implemented even under difficult conditions if there is a policy commitment to do so.
الموارد UNICEF Technical Note on Conflict Sensitivity and Peacebuilding The note aims to support a more systematic approach in UNICEF to conflict sensitivity and peacebuilding.The note explains key concepts, offers tools and approaches, identifies entry points in UNICEF strategies, frameworks and programmes, and provides examples of UNICEF programmatic contributions in this area.
الموارد Early Childhood Development and Peacebuilding Brief This resource is part of a collection of resources compiled by UNICEF’s 2012-2016 Peacebuilding, Education and Advocacy Programme (PBEA), known as “Learning for Peace”, which was funded by the Government of the Netherlands.
الموارد Actuar Pronto Para Construir Sociedades Más Sólidas y Pacíficas Este recurso es parte de una colección de recursos compilados por el Programa de Construcción de Paz, Educación y Defensa de la Paz (PBEA) 2012-2016 de UNICEF, conocido como "Aprendizaje para la Paz", que fue financiado por el Gobierno de los Países Bajos.
الموارد Commencer dès le plus jeune âge à édifier des sociétés plus fortes et plus pacifiques Cette ressource fait partie d’une collection de ressources élaborée par le Programme de consolidation de la paix, d’éducation et de plaidoyer (PBEA) 2012-2016 de l’UNICEF, connu sous le nom de «Apprendre pour la paix», financé par le Gouvernement des Pays-Bas.