UNICEF Technical Note on Conflict Sensitivity and Peacebuilding

This Technical Note responds to the growing recognition1 that: (i) countries affected by conflict and high levels of violence are a priority for UNICEF; (ii) UNICEF plays a vital role in peacebuilding; and (iii) UNICEF needs a more systematic approach to ensure all its programmes are conflict sensitive and to design explicit peacebuilding interventions in order to improve the quality of its programmes and achieve better and more sustainable results for children in these contexts. The note aims to support a more systematic approach in UNICEF to conflict sensitivity and peacebuilding. While conflict sensitivity applies to all programmes, including humanitarian, peacebuilding applies only UNICEF’s development programmes. The note explains key concepts, offers tools and approaches, identifies entry points in UNICEF strategies, frameworks and programmes, and provides examples of UNICEF programmatic contributions in this area. 

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Published by

United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)


Education for Peacebuilding
Conflict Sensitive Education