الموارد Community engagement to strengthen social cohesion and child protection in Chad and Burundi This participatory research study from Burundi and Chad reports how youth, women and elders can contribute to strengthening both child protection and social cohesion.
الموارد The Communities Care programme: changing social norms to end violence against women and girls While significant progress has been made in recent years in responding to violence against women and girls in humanitarian contexts, timely and quality care and support to survivors still remains a challenge. Little is known about effective prevention. Few interventions have targeted underlying drivers of violence against women and girls (VAWG), which include social norms.
الموارد Inclusive Education: What, Why, and How: A handbook for program implementers Although not all education projects have the word “inclusive” in the title or goals, every education project can and should be made more inclusive, and we encourage this resource to be used by all education staff, not only those working on targeted inclusive education projects.
مدونة INEE Wins Innovative Policy Award The INEE Minimum Standards for Education: Preparedness, Response, Recovery, together with the INEE Toolkit, was recently recognized as one of 12 “Innovative Policies 2016” at the United Nations Office in Vienna, Austria.
الموارد Enabling Education Review This publication reviews issues regarding inclusivity in education in emergencies.
الموارد Inclusive Education An online e-learning course that provides a basic understanding of Inclusive Education in order to be able to promote it. It is especially relevant for education technical experts.
الموارد Send All My Friends to School This report aims to address this gap by reviewing how the UK Department for International Development (DFID) has addressed inclusive education for children with disabilities to date.
الموارد INEE Minimum Standards Case Study: Non-formal Education in Haiti This case study outlines Plan Haiti’s use of the INEE Minimum Standards to create non-formal education programs for Internally Displaced Persons after the January 2010 earthquake in Haiti.
الموارد الوحدة 15 : التعليم الجامع في حالات الطوارئ في نهاية هذه الجلسة، سيكون المشاركون قادرين على : فهم المبادئ الأساسية التي يقوم عليها التعليم الجامع, فهم العوائق التي تعترض عملية الشمول، وكيف يمكننا تحديدها والبدء بمعالجتها.
الموارد EiE Harmonized Training Module 15: Inclusive Education At the end of this session, participants will be able to understand the basic principles underpinning inclusive education and understand about barriers to inclusion, and how we can identify them and begin to address them.