الموارد EFA Global Monitoring Report 2009: Overcoming inequality - why governance matters This report identifies deep and persistent disparities based on income, gender, location, ethnicity and other markers for disadvantage as a major barrier to progress in education. Inequity in education is linked to wider disparities in the distribution of power, wealth and opportunity.
الموارد Informe de Seguimiento de la EPT en el Mundo 2009: Superar la desigualdad: por qué es importante la gobernanza Se han logrado avances notables hacia la consecución de algunos de los objetivos de la EPT, desde que la comunidad internacional se comprometió a alcanzarlos en el Foro Mundial sobre la Educación celebrado el año 2000 en Dakar.
الموارد تقرير الرصد العالمي للتعليم للجميع 2009: التغلب على عدم المساواة - لماذا تعتبر الحوكمة مهمة This report identifies deep and persistent disparities based on income, gender, location, ethnicity and other markers for disadvantage as a major barrier to progress in education. Inequity in education is linked to wider disparities in the distribution of power, wealth and opportunity.
الموارد INEE Framing Paper: Education Finance in States Affected by Fragility This framing paper for the 2008 INEE Policy Roundtable provides analysis, lessons learnt and recommendations on the financing of education in states affected by fragility.
الموارد An Historical Perspective on Coordinating Education Post-Conflict: Biopolitics, Governing at a Distance, and States of Exception This article analyzes a 1944 publication entitled International Relief in Action 1914-1943: Selected Records with Notes alongside the 2004 standards for education in emergencies that were developed by INEE.
الموارد Education and Fragility: An Assessment Tool This Education and Fragility Assessment Tool was designed to help USAID missions and bureaus identify and analyze the links between education and fragility in failing, failed or recovering countries.
الموارد Education in Fragile States: Capturing Lessons Learned and Identifying Good Practice This paper by Rose and Greeley examines how development assistance in fragile states can enhance access to quality basic education for the poor and vulnerable, at the same time improving governance and thereby mitigating the risks of fragility, and increasing the effectiveness of future aid.
الموارد Donors and the 'Fragile States' Agenda: A Survey of Current Thinking and Practice This report focuses on the experiences of three key donors: the United States (US), the United Kingdom (UK) and Germany. It also provides case studies showing the operationalisation of the agenda in three fragile states, namely, Afghanistan, Cambodia and Nepal. Because the FS agenda is relatively new, the policies, tools, and institutions to implement it are still being developed.
الموارد Senior Level Forum on Development Effectiveness in Fragile States: Harmonisation and Alignment This study brings together two concurrent focuses: the first is on ‘fragile states’ or ‘difficult partnerships’, emerging from both from the challenge of meeting the MDGs through tackling poverty in these environments and the renewed focus on improving governance and institutions in weak institutional environments. The second is the evolving agenda around donor behaviour and aid effectiveness.
الموارد Fighting Back: Child and Community-led Strategies to Avoid Children's Recruitment into Armed Forces Fighting Back looks at the experiences of children living in conflict situations, and focuses on strategies to prevent the recruitment of children into armed groups.