INEE Round Table on Psychosocial Support and Social and Emotional Learning


18 October 2017 - Florence, Italy

PSS-SEL DiscussionThis round table brings together education and psychosocial support practitioners and researchers working in the field of education in emergencies (EiE) and protracted crises, with the aim of sharing recent research and tools, discussing innovative approaches, and articulating knowledge gaps in the field of psychosocial support (PSS) and social and emotional learning (SEL).

Roundtable objectives: 

  1. Discuss innovative approaches to addressing psychosocial well-being and supporting social and emotionally intelligent communities in emergencies (examples will be drawn from multiple agencies and programmes); 
  2. Articulate key knowledge gaps in the field of PSS and SEL, especially linkages between PSS & SEL programs with learning outcomes;
  3. Develop policy recommendations for PSS and SEL programming in education in emergencies.
  4. Share progress on the forthcoming INEE Guidance Note on PSS and SEL.

**Click to read the Final Report**


Click to access and print the concept note, biographies of speakers, practical information, and reflection sheet.

ArtolutionOpening Remarks

  • Paolo Orefice, Emeritus Professor, Transdisciplinary UNESCO Chair of Human Development and Culture of Peace (University of Florence)
  • Jan Egeland, Secretary General (NRC) - Recorded Message


  • Artolution: Community-based public arts as psychosocial support and social and emotional learning in refugee camps, Max Frieder (Artolution)
  • Developing Global Guidance: INEE PSS-SEL Guidance Note on Education in Crisis-Affected Settings, Dean Brooks (INEE)
  • Better Learning Program, Camilla Lodi (NRC)
  • Better Learning Program (BLP): Helping Students Recover, Jon-Håkon Schultz (University of Tromsø, Norway)
  • 3EA | Education in Emergencies: Evidence for Action - A Research-Practice Partnership Between the IRC and TIES/NYU, Paul Frisoli (IRC) and Carly Tubbs Dolan (NYU)

Policy RecommendationsCase Study Presentations

  • AECOM/Morning Stars South Sudan, Shiphrah Mutungi 
  • BIFERD, Jonas Habimana 
  • Caritas Switzerland, Beatrice Rutishauser-Ramm 
  • Creative Associates and IRC, Julia Finder and Rena Deitz 
  • IRC and Global TIES NYU, Ha Yeon Kim and Jamie Weiss-Yagoda 
  • Right to Play International, Andrea Diaz-Varela
  • Salam Institute for Peace and Justice, Northwestern University and University of Michigan, Ilham Nasser 
  • Save the Children US, Rachel McKinney 
  • UNRWA, Frosse Dabit 
  • World Learning Inc, Wafa Kotob 
  • Teachers College, Columbia University, Mary Mendenhall 

Small GroupPoster Presentations

  • War Child UK, Jessica Louise Oddy 
  • AVSI Foundation, Guido Calvi 
  • War Child Holland, April Coetzee and Vania Alves 
  • Caritas Austria, Friederike Rochowanski 
  • RTI International, Julianne Norman 
  • Save the Children UK, Emma Soye 
  • Sunrise/Pambazuko Project, Staci Martin and Gerawork Teferra
  • Social and Emotional Learning Community of Practice, Alison Joyner and Rena Deitz

This Round Table is a collaborative effort of INEE, the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC), and the University of Florence.