CP-EiE Collaboration – Key Considerations during the COVID-19 crisis

The global COVID-19 crisis puts vulnerable children at even more risk. In this context,the need for strong collaboration between education and child protection sectors is even highe rto ensure children are reached and receive the services they need in spite of new operational challenges and limited movements. This paper highlights opportunities to enhance CP-EiE collaboration during the development of COVID-19 response plans, and is structured around the Humanitarian Programme Cycle. It should be read in conjunction with the CP-EiE Collaboration Framework and can be used during the preparedness,response, and recovery stages. A Checklist for a coordinated School Reopening can also support CP-EiE collaboration during the recovery phase of the COVID-19 response.

This guide provides a non-exhaustive list of minimum suggested actions and tips for collaboration between the two sectors. The pre-requisite for action is the presence of both CP and EiE coordination groups and the willingness to dedicate time to a collaborative process –in order to save time and resources during the strengthened implementation stage. While the focus of this paper is to strengthen CP-EiE collaboration, this does not exclude collaboration with other sectors, which is highly recommended to have a quality and coordinated COVID-19 response.

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الجهة المنظمة

Global Education Cluster, Child Protection Area of Responsibility (CP AoR)


Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Child Protection
Humanitarian Sectors