
Inclusive Education Systems: Futures, Fallacies and Finance

The Education and Development Forum (UKFIET)
22 ديسمبر/كانون الأول 2024 (التوقيت العالمي المُنسَّق)
The University of Oxford Examination Schools, High Oxford Street, Ocford
Inclusive Education
Education Financing

Increasing inequality, protracted conflict, accelerating climate change, financial uncertainty and rapid transformation of labour markets are all exerting considerable pressure on education systems.  And within national systems there is stark evidence of high levels of inefficiency and inequality; many children have limited experience of school, and for many more their experiences are not productive for them or their families. Changes at system level and beyond are critically needed to deliver better learning outcomes for all – children, youth and adults – including the most vulnerable and marginalised.

Reforming systems to meet the education and training needs of all requires additional investment and flexibility across the board: early childhood development, formal education, technical and vocational training, higher education and adult education. How can global and national finances be mobilised in effective ways to enable the necessary reforms to take place?

The conference will explore these ideas through a number of themes:

  • Future directions in inclusive education systems
  • Problematizing inclusive systems
  • Education financing for global equity and inclusion
  • Education technology and data science for inclusive systems
  • Education system actors: strengthening inclusive practice
  • System responses to conflit and crises
Standard 3 Day: £465.00, Student 3 Day: £250.00, Single Day: £230.00