How to produce and use the global and thematic education indicators: SDG 4 data digest
The 2019 edition of the SDG 4 Data Digest reinforces the need for the robust data that are crucial to reach the global targets for education. These targets are still achievable if the necessary political will is mobilised, backed by concrete resources. Education systems only function effectively if their strategies, approaches and funding are built on the solid foundations of data. The Digest aims to support countries as they strengthen these foundations to produce the data needed for international reporting, as well as for their own education priorities.
The first section of the Digest focuses on the 11 global monitoring indicators, drawing on the UIS Quick Guide to Indicators for SDG 4, which provides methodologies for each indicator. It explains how countries can produce the national data needed and the process required for reporting the data to the UIS in order to produce internationally comparable indicators for monitoring. Section 2 also builds on the Quick Guide to outline the methodologies used to produce the thematic indicators. Section 3 presents a series of regional initiatives to monitor progress towards SDG 4. The section provides insight on how countries in different regions are striving to make the greatest possible use of existing data while developing new indicators and frameworks to support policymaking in areas they consider to be critical.