Kit of Tools for Participatory Research and Evaluation with Children, Young People and Adults
Save the Children Norway has undertaken a two-year thematic evaluation and documentation of children’s participation in armed conflict, post conflict and peace building (2006-2008) in four countries: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Guatemala, Nepal and Uganda.
It was a process led evaluation through which Save the Children has been able to assess and document:
- its work on children’s participation
- the support given to children and young people in developing and strengthening the work of their as-sociations, clubs and groups
- children’s understanding of conflict and peace building
- the diverse experiences of armed conflict and its impact on girls and boys in the four countries
- their experiences of peace building and the support given to their involvement in peace building initiatives
- the application of a new way of working, namely: Formative Dialogue Research
- the lessons learned
The main aims of this evaluation and documentation have been to:
- improve Save the Children Norway’s work on children’s participation
- strengthen current and future projects and policies
- promote the rights of children affected by armed conflict
- ensure that children’s rights are prioritised in peace building through making children’s documentation of their experiences and contributions a part of their nation’s history
The main method and tools used have included the use of Formative Dialogue Research and child friendly tools. The time span of the evaluation and documentation—over a period of two years—and the use of Formative Dialogue Research has allowed for the active involvement of children as advisors, peer researchers, active respondents, development workers, peace agents and documenters.