This report details the methodology, population characteristics, and results of a recently conducted survey on gender-based physical, psychological and sexual violence at schools including in the classroom and on the school grounds as well as going to and from school.
The 2005 Pakistan earthquake had devastating effects across all sectors, including education. Recent floods have presented additional challenges for the education cluster which has coordinated the response and recovery activities of most education-focused agencies
This 3-page brief highlights the linkages between the INEE Minimum Standards and disaster risk reduction work and can be used to introduce the INEE Minimum Standards to the disaster risk reduction community.
This is a short compilation of good practices with regard to safe learning environments. It has been developed jointly by UNHCR, JRS, CCF and IRC in preparation of UNHCRs Annual Consultations with NGOs and within the context of the inter-agency Initiative for Safe School Environments.
In most refugee situations the majority of separated and unaccompanied children are reunified with their families. However, a number of children always remain for whom tracing is unsuccessful despite extensive and comprehensive efforts. It is for these children that formal Best Interest Determination (BID) procedures are implemented to safeguard their rights.
In September 2006, with funding from the Norwegian Government, a team of researchers from InterWorks, Columbia University and The George Washington University was engaged to work closely with the Applications and Analysis SubGroup of the INEE Working Group on Minimum Standards.
The report singles out lack of quality, relevant education as a "major cause of child work, often as or more significant than family poverty". Relevant education is also singled out as a key solution.
The rapid pace of change in new communication technologies is impacting on economies and education systems alike. This overview looks at these factors and the implications for teachers in respect of: teacher supply and retention; teacher education reform; innovations in the pre-service and continuing professional development (cpd) of teachers.
This article details a pilot Minimum Standards assessment in Afghan refugee schools supported by the International Rescue Committee’s Female Education Program in the North West Frontier Province of Pakistan.
This evaluation focused on demonstrating how WFPs school feeding can address the needs of people in emergency contexts, with a view to learning from current practice and improving future implementation. Three field studies, desk research and a survey questionnaire constituted the basis of the evaluation.
The purpose of these guidelines is to support UNHCR staff, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and other partners in education take practical steps to prevent and respond to violence in schools
This evaluation sought to identify how WFPs school feeding might effectively address the needs of people in emergency contexts, with a view to learning from current practices and improving future implementation.
This paper examines an important component of the developing field of education in emergencies: curriculum decision-making processes. The paper argues that in order to fully meet the commitment articulated by the INEE Minimum Standards to provide quality education for all, curricula decisions cannot be ignored or postponed until after a crisis has occurred.
Save the Children in Thailand was active in the emergency response phase right after the Tsunami struck the Indian Ocean in December 2004. Since the beginning of 2005, our programme areas included psychosocial support, livelihood, inclusive education, HIV/AIDS as well as promoting children’s participation.
It lays out practical recommendations for governments to integrate teaching on local risk and hazards into the curriculum and increase the physical safety and resilience of school buildings.The brief cites good practices and simple targets for governments to address.
This handbook guides action that recognizes children's right to participate in the things that affect their lives, the leadership roles that they can play, and the increased resilience and greater sense of control and security that can be achieved through child-led DRR. Straightforward guidance includes practical tools and methods for implementing a child-led programme.
This Guide is intended for personnel responsible for the development and maintenance of a community's emergency operations plan (EOP) in local emergency management agencies.
This tool, which targets governments, international and national agencies, parents, teachers, communities, and civil society organisations, focuses on current thinking and practice on human rights-based approaches in the education sector.
This was a two-day training workshop on the INEE Minimum Standards on behalf of the International Rescue Committee (IRC), the Womens Commission for Refugee Women and Children, and the Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE) on 26 27 March, 2007.
This three-day training workshop on the INEE Minimum Standards was conducted on behalf of Save the Childrens Rewrite the Future initiative, Catholic Relief Services and the Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE) on 22-23-24 January 2007 in Port-au-Prince.
In order to strengthen its efforts to promote psychosocial support within educational programming in emergencies, UNICEF has developed these teacher-training materials to promote greater understanding of the impact of and effective responses to the psychosocial impact of emergencies on learners.
This article analyzes a 1944 publication entitled International Relief in Action 1914-1943: Selected Records with Notes alongside the 2004 standards for education in emergencies that were developed by INEE.
This youth report, jointly prepared by the Women's Commission, Global Youth Action Network, UNICEF and UNFPA, will accompany the official UN Graca Machel +10 report that will be submitted to the General Assembly on October 17th. It compiles the views and recommendations from more than 1700 young people from 93 questions through focus groups and an online questionnaire.
The Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) issued these Guidelines to enable humanitarian actors to plan, establish and coordinate a set of minimum multi-sectoral responses to protect and improve peoples mental health and psychosocial well-being in the midst of an emergency.
A Case Study on the implementation of the INEE Minimum Standards in oPt. Case Study Themes: Initial assessment and framing a response to educational crises; Coorindation of educational activities between key stakeholders; Ensuring equal access for and protection and wellbeing of learners.
Mental health and psychosocial support programmes designed to prevent and treat psychological and social disturbances among children exposed to disasters are a rapidly increasing part of international humanitarian aid.
The objective of this report is to raise awareness and understanding of the extent to which those involved in education, whether students, teaching staff, trade unionists, administrators or officials, are facing violent attacks, and what can and should be done about the problem.
This paper examines the relationship between education sector and decentralization, with a view to understanding the lessons attendant on policy and practice in developing countries.
This book examines the emergence, development and management of the education system in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT) between 1994 and 2005. The study draws lessons from the Palestinian context of occupation and chronic conflict, both for the benefit of educational planners in the OPT and in order to support others working in similar contexts. It focuses on the issues to be tackled in emergency and reconstruction situations, as well as in chronic conflict.
The Tool Kit has been developed for UNICEF officers, and presents information and tools to enable them to prepare for and respond to emergencies to comply with UNICEF’s Core Commitments for Emergencies in the education sector. The Tool Kit is based on the premise that in order to respond effectively to the delivery of education in emergencies, UNICEF offices must take the requisite preparedness actions.
An update on Training of Trainers (TOT) workshops on the INEE Minimum Standards. . Eight of ten planned TOT workshops were completed in 2006, training over 200 education and humanitarian trainers.
School links provide pupils with new horizons and new opportunities. But many children do not have even the opportunity to go to school. The UK Government is committed to ensuring that all children, everywhere, have that chance in life.
This paper presents the case for education as an essential humanitarian activity, and the INEE Minimum Standards as a tool for quality and accountability within those interventions.
Based on the initiatives described in these documents, this paper summarises the main elements affecting the design and implementation of accelerated learning programmes in post-conflict settings and identifies best practices and pitfalls.
This Guide has been created to provide advice on useful strategies for implementing the Hyogo Framework for Action. It represents a distillation of the wealth of experience that exists throughout the world on how to manage and reduce disaster risks.
This report, covering the period of August 2005 to September 2006, calls on the Burundian Government to grant unfettered access, for child protection purposes, to all military, security and police detention centres and to cooperate with the United Nations country team and child protection partners, and on donor countries to make long-term commitments and adopt more systematic approaches.
The Education for All Monitoring Report 2007 looks at the benefits of programmes for the very young and why countries have been slow to implement policies that integrate care, health, nutrition and education.
After the 2001 war, Afghanistan’s Ministry of Education, with the support of international agencies including UNESCO and UNICEF, initiated a comprehensive revision of the primary and secondary curriculum as to promote learner-centredness and quality learning outcomes.
On October 11, 2006, the International Rescue Committee, Save the Children and the Women's Commission for Refugee Women and Children, on behalf of the Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE), sponsored a roundtable discussion on teacher compensation in fragile states, situations of displacement and post-conflict return at the World Bank.
This report card, the fifth in a UNICEF series that monitors progress for children towards the MDGs, measures the world’s performance in water and sanitation.
This legal framework outlines that all heads of government institutions at the national and sub-national levels are responsible for applying the gender mainstreaming strategy within the scope of their respective tasks, functions, levels of authority and monitoring and evaluation of the results of their activities.
This report argues for significant changes in humanitarian aid and protection services in northern Uganda. New survey and interview evidence make the case for important shifts in program design.
Education is power and language is the key to accessing that power. A child who thrives at school and develops self-esteem and pride will have better employment opportunities and is more likely to realize his or her potential. Ethnicity, language and culture are deeply intertwined. They are also intertwined with inequity, discrimination and conflict.
This Education and Fragility Assessment Tool was designed to help USAID missions and bureaus identify and analyze the links between education and fragility in failing, failed or recovering countries.