Webpage Supplementary Measurement Resources This page includes a range of vital measurement resources that complement and enrich the INEE Measurement Library.
Webpage ERICC Publications ERICC is conducting rigorous research and building a context-relevant and actionable evidence base to inform policy and practice in conflict and protracted crisis around the world. ERICC seeks to identify the most effective approaches for improving access, quality, and continuity of education to support sustainable and coherent education systems and holistic learning and development of children in conflict and crisis.
Coleção de Recursos Inclusive Education Ler mais sobre Inclusive Education An expert-curated list of resources focusing on Inclusive Education.
Recurso The American Convention on Human Rights The American Convention on Human Rights articulates the agreed upon human rights of the nations of the Americas. In addition it established the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights which were created to ensure that the nations are upholding the human rights articulated in the Convention.
Recurso The Book of Needs (Vol. II) in Education, Science and Culture of War-Devastated Countries The Book of Needs Volume II is UNESCO's second account of postwar educational losses and needs in countries which have suffered war.