Charlevoix Funding Dashboard
The June 2018 Charlevoix Declaration on Quality Education for Girls, Adolescent Girls, and Women in Developing Countries represents a joint effort from the Leaders of G7 countries to step up for women and girls in humanitarian and development contexts. Focusing both on dismantling the barriers to education and improving the quality of education, the G7 committed to promote and improve learning outcomes for both refugees and host communities, while also working to reduce the time children and youth, especially girls, are out of school as a result of conflict and displacement.
The Leaders of the G7, recognizing that gender equality is fundamental for the fulfillment of human rights, committed to:
- Close the gap in access to education during conflict and crisis, and for refugees and the internally displaced, both inside and outside camps by working to reduce the time that conflict and crisis situations keep children and youth, especially girls, out of school
- Improve coordination between humanitarian assistance and development cooperation by partnering with key humanitarian and development organizations such as the Global Partnership for Education and Education Cannot Wait to ensure commitment to gender equality
The Charlevoix Declaration on Quality Education served as a milestone in bringing global attention and an historic level of investment in girls’ and women’s education and training in contexts of conflict and crisis. During the 44th G7 Summit, Canada, the European Union, Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the World Bank together pledged CAN$3.8 billion - or US$3.1 billion - in support of the Charlevoix commitments. At the UN General Assembly later that year, Denmark, the Netherlands, Norway, and Qatar together pledged a further CAN$527 million, or US$426 million. Germany pledged an additional EUR 70.3 million in 2019, bringing the total pledges to CAN$4.4 billion or nearly US$3.6 billion.
- Canada pledged to invest CAD $400 million over three years, in addition to the $180 million provided in January 2018 to the Global Partnership for Education for 2018-2020. [June 2018]
- Denmark pledged USD $185 million over 3 years to the Global Partnership for Education (GPE), USD $30 million USD to the Education Cannot Wait (ECW) fund, and USD $17 million USD to UNICEF for girls education programming. [September 2018]
- The European Union pledged to invest €72 million over three years to support girls’ education from the humanitarian aid budget. [June 2018]
- Germany pledged €62.5 million in 2018 and €70.3 million in 2019.
- Japan pledged to invest USD $200 million in girl’s and women’s quality education, including in emergencies or in conflict-affected or fragile states. [June 2018]
- The Netherlands pledged €100 million to the Global Partnership for Education and €15 million to the Education Cannot Wait (ECW) fund. [September 2018]
- Norway pledged USD $40 million to education for 2018-2019. [September 2018]
- Qatar committed to provide education to one million girls by 2021, in support of the Charlevoix Declaration. [September 2018]
- The United Kingdom pledged to invest £187 million, which builds on Prime Minister May’s announcement at the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in April when she pledged £212 million to get almost one million girls in developing countries across the Commonwealth learning. [June 2018]
- The World Bank pledged to invest USD $2 billion over five years. [June 2018]
This webpage contains background information on the dashboard, access to the dashboard, and answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) below.
Content and Methodology
What is the purpose of the dashboard? The Charlevoix Funding Dashboard was created to promote transparency and accountability towards the commitments made by G7 countries and funding partners towards the Charlevoix Declaration on Quality Education.
What information does the dashboard contain? The interactive dashboard visualizes funding pledged and disbursed by donors and funding partners in support of the Charlevoix Declaration on Quality Education. It illustrates funding flows from donors and funding partners to regions, countries, and implementing partners. It also gives information on project focus areas, population groups served, and highlighted projects. Ultimately, the dashboard provides a picture of what has been achieved as a result of the historic Charlevoix commitments to girls’ and women’s education.
What funding is included in the dashboard? The data collected represents the pledges made by donors and funding partners in 2018 and 2019 against the Charlevoix Declaration and resulting disbursements. It does not include all funding to girls’ and women’s education and training in contexts of conflict and crisis. In fact, many donors have since given more to girls’ and women’s education than what they pledged at Charlevoix. Due to the scope and purpose of this dashboard, it captures Charlevoix funding only to help serve as a tracking and accountability mechanism relating to the Charlevoix Declaration. If you would like to learn more about wider girls’ education funding and initiatives from these donors and funding partners, please visit the following websites:
- Canada: Charlevoix Education Initiative
- Denmark: OpenAid Denmark
- European Commission: EU support to Education in Emergencies, EU Gender Action Plan
- Germany: Gender and Education
- Japan: Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Gender-Responsive Projects, Myanmar Case Study
- Netherlands: Dutch Development Results - inclusive education for all
- Norway: Norwegian Development Aid
- Qatar: Educate A Child
- United Kingdom: FCDO Development Tracker
- World Bank: Girls’ Education
What reporting period does the dashboard cover? Due to data availability at the time the dashboard was developed, the data included are from June 2018 until December 2020, with one exception where, due to fiscal years and reporting cycles, data for Global Affairs Canada includes funding up to March 31, 2021. It is worth noting that some donors and funding partners reached their pledged amounts sooner than December 2020. The dashboard homepage (see below) contains starred*** notes on specifics for each donor.
What projects are included in the dashboard? All data and project information were self-reported by Charlevoix donors and funding partners according to their own tracking of their pledged Charlevoix funding and its expenditure. Since gender-responsive programming approaches vary, so do the projects represented on this dashboard. Some projects exclusively target female learners; others support girls and boys with a specific focus on gender equity and addressing gendered barriers to learning. All included projects support and promote gender-responsive education programming. Implementing partners were provided the opportunity to review and validate their project data prior to publishing the dashboard; this was coordinated either through their donor agency or directly through INEE.
Does the dashboard only report on funding to humanitarian contexts? In the Charlevoix Declaration on Quality Education, the leaders of the G7 committed to “ investing in girls’, adolescent girls’ and women’s quality education in developing countries, including in emergencies and in conflict-affected and fragile states.” In line with this commitment, this dashboard includes projects implemented in both humanitarian and development contexts. As stated above under “What funding is included in the dashboard?”, many donors have given more to girls’ education than they pledged at Charlevoix in 2018. Given the focus of the INEE Reference Group on Girls’ Education in Emergencies, for this dashboard, many donors have reported on projects that specifically highlight girls’ education in humanitarian settings.
To what extent does funding disbursed by Charlevoix donors through ECW and GPE target girls? While ECW and GPE do not receive earmarked Charlevoix funding for girls’ education from donors, both organizations are committed to advancing gender equality in education and utilize these resources accordingly.
ECW investments aim to reach 60% girls from pre-primary to secondary education. All First Emergency-Response (FER) and Multi-Year Resilience Programme (MYRP) investments have gender mainstreamed throughout all intervention strategies as well as at least one gender targeted intervention.
GPE investments aim to support girls’ and boys equally, with an estimated 50% of funding supporting girls’ education assuming the following:
- All Charlevoix donor funding committed in 2018 was deployed between 2018 and 2020,
- Funding was used proportionally to the overall deployment for these years,
- The average amount of grants deployed needed to support a child is equal between girls and boys.
What currency is used? The original Charlevoix pledges were made in multiple currencies. In order to ensure data consistency, pledges have been converted to US dollars. Conversions were calculated using the 2020 exchange rate from USIRS.
Who developed the Charlevoix Funding Dashboard? The INEE Reference Group on Girls’ Education in Emergencies conceptualized the dashboard and served as a platform for strategic exchange on the Charlevoix Declaration. The group was. Convened between 2020-2022, the Reference Group was comprised of technical experts and practitioners with expertise in gender equity and education in emergencies, including representative from Charlevoix donors and implementing partners.
Data was provided by Charlevoix donors and funding partners. This was verified by implementing partners. The INEE Secretariat managed the project development process. Data was collected and visualized by InformEd International. Support for the dashboard was provided by Global Affairs Canada.
Click here or on the image below to access the dashboard
Frequently Asked Questions
Below you can find the answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) on the Charlevoix Funding Dashboard. If your question is not answered here, please feel free to contact us at
How can I view the dashboard? This dashboard is best viewed full screen on a desktop device. If viewing on a smaller device (tablet or mobile phone), some visualizations may not display appropriately.
Can I view the dashboard on a phone or a tablet? This dashboard is best viewed full screen on a desktop device. If viewing on a smaller device (e.g. tablet or mobile phone), some visualizations may not display appropriately.
I am having issues in viewing the entire dashboard on my screen. This dashboard is best viewed full screen on a desktop device. Try making your browser full screen or refreshing the page. Data sometimes takes time to load, so be patient when switching between pages.
Is the dashboard data downloadable? No. For data protection and safeguarding purposes, the data is not downloadable.
My organization receives funding from a Charlevoix donor or funding partner. Why isn’t my project represented in the Dashboard? The dashboard only includes projects funded as a result of the Charlevoix commitments. It does not include donors’ overall support to girls’ education or education in emergencies. Donors have determined which projects are Charlevoix-funded according to their own financial tracking systems. If you still have questions please contact
My organization’s project is included in the Dashboard, but the project details are incorrect. Can you update them? We recommend directly contacting the donor supporting your project and copying so that we can follow up on your query.
Support for the dashboard is provided by Global Affairs Canada. For more information on the partnership between Global Affairs Canada and INEE, please contact