Recurso Holistic Language Pedagogies Compendium of Resources This compendium of resources was created by team members participating in the Holistic Languages Pedagogies Project at the Center for Professional Learning at Childhood Education International between July and October 2024. The project brought together English language educators from Ukraine and the United States to learn about and apply holistic language pedagogies together in a virtual community of practice.
Evento Troisième session des Champions de l'éducation La troisième session sera consacrée à l'échange de pratiques autour de la continuité éducative dans un contexte d'éducation en situations de crise. UTC+2
Recurso e-Learning kit Strategies and technologies for transitioning from face-to-face teaching to online environments.
Recurso Teaching about Refugees This page contains a collection of UNHCR teaching materials on refugees, asylum and migration for primary and secondary education, as well as some guidance for teachers working with refugee children in the classroom.
Recurso PlayMatters ERM Multi-Sectoral Implementation Study The PM ERM integrated Education, WASH, Child Protection, and Health and Nutrition multi-sectoral programming in schools. This mixed-methods study investigates the implementation of the intervention to build the evidence base to strengthen Education in Emergencies responses.
Recurso Differentiated Instruction for Quality Holistic Learning in Displacement Settings Educator differentiates their instruction and assessment to support the diversity of learners in displacement settings.
Recurso L'enseignement différencié pour un apprentissage holistique de qualité dans les situations de déplacement L'éducateur différencie son enseignement et son évaluation pour soutenir la diversité des apprenants dans le cadre du déplacement.
Evento Cómo lograr la continuidad educativa en contextos de emergencia Seminario web sobre "Cómo lograr la continuidad educativa en contextos de emergencia" para conocer más sobre Creando Aula, una solución co-creada con el Grupo Regional de educación de América Latina y el Caribe GMT
Recurso Quality and learning indicators Understanding what quality means varies between countries. Different education actors and organizations also have their own definitions. However, most tend to agree on three broad principles: the need for relevance, for equity of access and outcome, and for proper observance of individual rights.
Recurso Indicadores de calidad y aprendizaje El concepto 'calidad' tiene un significado diferente según los diversos países. No obstante, en su mayoría, se tiende a estar de acuerdo en tres principios generales: la necesidad de la relevancia, de la equidad de acceso y resultados y de un cumplimiento adecuado de los derechos individuales.